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Two recent studies, both done in California, looked at different aspects of pesticide exposure. They highlight how people can be exposed to pesticides in the air they breathe, especially if they live in areas where pesticides are heavily applied (such as farms). But keep in mind that even in suburbia, every time a neighbor applies ...continue reading "Living Near Farms and Pesticide Exposure"

A new study that analyzed other studies (a meta-analysis) found that the class of flame retardant chemicals called PBDEs (commonly found in furniture and household products) has an effect on children's intelligence, so that it results in a loss of IQ points. Most of the studies looked at the child's exposure to flame retardants during pregnancy and then ...continue reading "Flame Retardants And Reduced IQ In Children"

 Interesting new study! Researchers analyzed baby teeth among twins - sets of twins where both are healthy, and sets of twins where one has autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but not the other twin (the control). They found that in the children that developed ASD, the teeth revealed that during the second and third trimester and ...continue reading "Autism and Lead and Metal Levels in Baby Teeth"

 News about the controversial pesticide Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate just keep coming. Roundup is the most heavily used pesticide in the world, and it is used as a herbicide or weed-killer throughout the USA. Its use is rapidly rising, especially due to its use for preharvest applications on crops, and for genetically modified Roundup Ready ...continue reading "Popular Weedkiller Found In Pregnant Women – What Are the Effects On Babies?"

Two recent articles about BPA (bisphenol A), BPS (bisphenol B), and the "BPA-free" label  - one a study, and one a review article. The "BPA-free" label unfortunately means the product contains a product similar to BPA (typically BPS) and with the same problems as BPA. Both articles discuss the accumulating health reasons to try to ...continue reading "More Problems With BPA, BPS, and “BPA Free”"

A new report authored by dozens of scientists, health practitioners and children's health advocates is highlighting the (growing annually) evidence that many common and widely available chemicals endanger neurological development in fetuses and children of all ages. The chemicals contribute to such health problems as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, lowered IQ, behavior disorders, and many other problems. Many ...continue reading "Experts Say We Are Surrounded By Chemicals That Harm Brain Development"

We're surrounded by hormone disrupting chemicals (endocrine disruptors) in daily life - in plastics, personal care products, pesticides, food containers, plastic toys, etc. A recent study done in the European Union (EU) reports on a growing body of evidence suggesting that exposures to endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), particularly phthalates and diphenyldichloroethene (DDE), contribute to the development of common reproductive ...continue reading "Endocrine Disruptors Raise the Risk of Endometriosis and Fibroids"

There is growing evidence that women around a lot of endocrine disrupting chemicals at home or in jobs such as cleaners, hairdressers and laboratory workers during pregnancy are more likely to have baby boys with a genital defect called hypospadias (a condition where the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis ...continue reading "Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Genital Defects in Boys"

Two studies showing detrimental effects on children from pyrethroids in 2 weeks! The June 3 post was about research linking household pyrethroid exposure to ADHD in children and young teens. The second study found that low level childhood exposures to pyrethroid insecticides was linked to lower scores on an IQ test (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - verbal ...continue reading "Common Insecticide Linked to Neurological Effects in Children"

Very exciting new way to use probiotics! Huge potential. From Science Daily: Probiotics protect children, pregnant women against heavy metal poisoning Yogurt containing probiotic bacteria successfully protected children and pregnant women against heavy metal exposure in a recent study. Canadian and Tanzanian researchers created and distributed a special yogurt containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus bacteria and observed  the ...continue reading "Probiotics to Lower Heavy Metal Levels?"