A recent study provided evidence that higher levels of cadmium in women may increase the risk of endometrial cancer. Endometrial cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, and it occurs primarily in postmenopausal women. Endometrial cancer is associated with estrogen exposure (for example, being obese, and also from external or environmental sources of estrogen).
Cadmium is a metal commonly found in foods such as kidneys, liver, and shellfish, but also tobacco (cigarette smoking). Cadmium is toxic, it accumulates in the body, it is an estrogen-mimicking chemical, and it is associated with several hormone-dependent cancers. The researchers found that a doubling of cadmium exposure (as compared to those with low levels) was associated with a 22% increased risk of endometrial cancer. Bottom line: Go ahead and enjoy these foods, but try to eat foods with naturally high levels of cadmium in moderation - such as shellfish, kidneys, and liver. From Science Daily:
Increased endometrial cancer rates found in women with high levels of cadmium
More than 31,000 new cases of endometrial cancer are expected to be diagnosed in 2017. Through a five-year observational study recently published in PLOS One, researchers at the University of Missouri found that women with increased levels of cadmium -- a metal commonly found in foods such as kidneys, liver and shellfish as well as tobacco -- also had an increased risk of endometrial cancer. It's an observation the researchers hope could lead to new treatments or interventions to prevent the fourth most common cancer in women.
"Cadmium is an estrogen-mimicking chemical, meaning it imitates estrogen and its effects on the body," said lead author Jane McElroy, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the MU School of Medicine. "Endometrial cancer has been associated with estrogen exposure. Because cadmium mimics estrogen, it may lead to an increased growth of the endometrium, contributing to an increased risk of endometrial cancer."
The research team partnered with cancer registries in Missouri, Arkansas and Iowa to identify cases of endometrial cancer. The team enrolled 631 women with a history of endometrial cancer in the study and 879 women without a history of the cancer to serve as a control group. The participants were asked to complete a survey of more than 200 questions about risk factors potentially associated with endometrial cancer. Once they completed the questionnaire, participants were sent a kit to collect urine and saliva samples. Through tests conducted at the MU Research Reactor, the samples were analyzed for cadmium levels.
While more research is needed to better understand the risks associated with cadmium, researchers say there are steps individuals can take to limit their cadmium-associated cancer risks. "We all have cadmium present in our kidneys and livers, but smoking has been shown to more than double a person's cadmium exposure," McElroy said. "Also, we recommend being attentive to your diet, as certain foods such as shellfish, kidney and liver can contain high levels of cadmium. You don't necessarily need to cut these from your diet, but eat them in moderation. This is especially true if women have a predisposition to endometrial cancer, such as a family history, diabetes or obesity." [Original study.]
A teaspoon of bentonite clay in a glass of water taken each morning over a two week period will draw out the cadmium and other foreign metals from the body, then you literally flush them down the toilet after the daily BM. It's not a pleasant thing to drink, but sure is better than the alternatives caused by foreign metals. I do this about four times a year to help keep my body clean.
That said, is it the cadmium or the estrogen-mimicking qualities of a high soy bean diet that is possibly causing endometrial cancer? Most people today eat very little liver, kidney, or even shellfish (if any at all); meanwhile, soy is included in most processed convenience foods in one form or another. Inadvertently consuming soy products in even small amounts throughout the day sure can add up. It's so prevalent in ready-to-eat or ready-to-cook boxed foods that we now make all of our meals, sauces, and condiments from scratch, that's the only way to ensure that no soy, high fructose corn syrup, or other nasties accidentally sneaks into our mouths.
Interesting about the bentonite clay and tofu. I just looked and found this study that said: "Cigarette smoking is likely the most important source of cadmium exposure among smokers. Among non-smokers, consumption of specific foods, notably tofu, is associated with increased urine cadmium concentration." In response to your question - unknown at this time.
Currently endometrial cancer's biggest risk factors are considered to be being overweight or obese (higher estrogen levels). The good news is that losing weight lowers the risk for developing endometrial cancer, as well as eating a Mediterranean style diet, cutting back on alcohol, and increasing activity levels.