There is increasing concern among scientists and doctors about 4G and 5G cell tower and cell phone radiation. Unfortunately, the cell phone and telecommunication industry, and the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) are fighting tooth and nail to prevent consumers from hearing about the concerns, and preventing the enactment of any safeguards to human health.
All concerns are pooh-poohed and dismissed by the FCC and wireless industry. The FCC is supposed to regulate the industry and protect us, but it hasn't happened. As a recent Propublica report documents:
"Federal law and FCC rules are so aligned with the industry that state and local governments are barred from taking action to block cell towers to protect the health of their citizens, even as companies are explicitly empowered to sue any government that tries to take such an action." (This means that companies such as Verizon have more legal rights than persons in the United States.)
One could say that the FCC is protecting the wireless industry at any cost. By the way, when someone says there is "no evidence" of harm - look at who is paying for or doing the study. Industry wireless/cell phone studies find "no harm", while non-industry studies generally find harm to health. Of course, the wireless industry sponsored research won't find harm - that was the whole point of the "research".
For over a decade concerns have been raised over the carcinogenic (cancer-causing) effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted from cellular phones, and 4G and 5G towers. Back in 2011 the World Health Organization already said that based on research, they are "possibly carcinogenic to humans" (cancer causing).
Numerous studies are finding harmful health effects: Increased risk of brain tumors and other cancers (esp. gliomas and salivary gland tumors), effects on memory function and the nervous system, behavioral disorders, and harmful effects to human sperm. One large review/analysis of studies found that: "cellular phone use with cumulative call time greater than 1000 hours (about 17 min per day over a 10 year period) increased the risk of tumors by 60%".
By the way, more than 20 other countries are listening to the scientific and medical research and have protections for consumers. (Why does it not surprise that once again the US is lagging behind other countries in consumer safeguards?)
Some recommendations: Don't sleep with your cell phone near your head or body. Don't carry (or carry less) your phone in your pants pockets or in your bra (near breasts). Try to keep the phone away from direct contact with your body. Use headsets. Plug in your laptop when using (rather than wireless).
1) Some excerpts of very interesting (and sure to make you angry) piece of investigative journalism from ProPublica: How the FCC Shields Wireless Providers
The wireless industry is rolling out thousands of new transmitters amid a growing body of research that calls cellphone safety into question. Federal regulators say there’s nothing to worry about — even as they rely on standards established in 1996.
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