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Well, well, well...small American organic farms get crushed again. A hazelnut famer sued on behalf of himself and other organic farmers regarding the fact that organic imported foods don't have to meet all the organic requirements that American grown organic foods have to meet. Things like inspections, bookkeeping, and evidence that the foods grown are actually organic.

The judge threw out the lawsuit after the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) challenged it. The federal judge said that American organic farmers were not being economically hurt. Hah! Think about it - do consumers pick the more expensive American grown organic or the cheaper foreign product? Consumers buy the cheaper product. And soon stores start to just carry the cheaper products.

The lack of oversight and not having to meet American organic standards (USDA organic seal) is why so many of the "organic" food imports aren't actually organic, and why they are so cheap compared to American organic foods. Several countries are especially notorious in flooding the American market with fake organic foods, such as China and Turkey.

Bottom line: Imported so-called organic foods don't have to meet federal requirements that American small organic farms have to meet. Buyer beware.

From Organic Eye (an investigative non-profit): USDA Lawyers Successfully Challenge Standing in Lawsuit — Turkish Hazelnut Processor’s Fraudulent Activities ‘Do Not Place US Organic Farmers at a Competitive Disadvantage’

A federal judge has found in favor of arguments made by USDA lawyers and dismissed a lawsuit brought by an Oregon hazelnut grower who claimed he, along with other US organic farmers, was being competitively injured by imports that are allowed into this country from farms that haven’t been certified and inspected as federal law requires. ...continue reading "Small Organic Farms Get Crushed Again"