Every December the British Medical Journal publishes some lighthearted studies. Included this year is a fabulously wacky study finding that doing a "funny walking style", called the "Teabag style" from the 1971 Monty Python Ministry of Silly Walks sketch, is a great exercise for health.
Specifically, the researchers estimated that adults could achieve 75 minutes of vigorous intensity physical activity per week by walking in Teabag style (instead of normal walking) for about 11 minutes per day. They called this high energy walking style "inefficient walking". Hah! But lots of fun.
See a short video (scroll down) comparing how the participants walked Teabag style with the original Monty Python sketch. Try it and enjoy yourself!
From Medical Xpress: Walking 'Teabag style' for a few minutes a day could help adults meet physical activity targets
Adults could achieve global physical activity targets by walking inefficiently for just a few minutes each day, finds a study in the Christmas issue of The BMJ. ...continue reading "Walking Teabag Style For A Few Minutes Is A Fun Way to Exercise"