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Most of the foods and drinks for sale at store checkout lanes are unhealthy. This includes supermarkets, grocery stores, dollar stores, drugstores, and specialty food stores. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

University of California researchers found that 70% of foods and drinks displayed in store checkout lanes to be unhealthy. And if the offerings are snack-sized, the number of unhealthy foods rises to 89%. Typical foods displayed at checkout lanes were candy (31%), gum (18%), sweetened beverages, salty snacks, mints, and sweets.

Why? Because food and beverage companies view checkout lanes as prime real estate for their goods, and pay money to the stores to place their products there. They count on people making impulse purchases of their products.

From Medical Xpress: Temptation at the checkout: 70% of food, drinks within arm's reach are unhealthy

We've all been there: waiting in line at a store checkout, surrounded by tempting snacks and drinks. Navigating the checkout lane in search of healthy options could be a challenge, according to researchers at the University of California, Davis, who found that 70% of foods and beverages at checkout are unhealthy.
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