Could getting foot massages be a way to deal with some of the symptoms bothering women during menopause? A small study found that women getting foot massages during menopause had increased sleep duration (up to 1 hour), and it reduced fatigue and anxiety levels.
Hey, it's a small study with nice results. But thinking about it - wouldn't we all benefit from daily foot massages? After a massage one is typically more relaxed and feeling better. The study results are really not surprising...
From Medical Xpress: Foot massage effective in improving sleep quality and anxiety in postmenopausal women
The therapeutic benefits of massage have long been recognized. A new study suggests that foot massage, in particular, can help minimize a number of common menopause symptoms, including sleep disruption, effectively extending sleep duration by an average of an hour per day. Study results are published online today in Menopause. ...continue reading "Foot Massages May Help With Menopausal Symptoms"