It has long been known that dogs get cancers, from similar chemical exposures as humans (e.g., lymphoma from exposure to weed-killer 2,4-D on lawns). A recent study found that Scottish terriers exposed to cigarette smoke develop bladder cancer about 6 times more than terriers not exposed to cigarette smoke.
Dogs can be viewed as "sentinel species" or early warning systems for harmful chemical exposures. This is because they show risks or dangers due to chemical exposures in the environment earlier than humans. They live alongside humans and so are exposed to the same things as humans.
By the way, smoking is also considered a major risk factor in human urinary bladder cancers.
From Futurity (site that publishes research news from universities): CIGARETTE SMOKE MAY SPIKE DOGS’ BLADDER CANCER RISK
By assessing individual dogs and studying their medical history, scientists are beginning to untangle the question of who gets cancer and why, and how best to detect, treat, and prevent it. ...continue reading "Cigarette Smoke and Bladder Cancer In Dogs"