We all use plastic products in our daily lives. Our houses are usually full of plastics, especially modern houses. Examples: much furniture (e.g., engineered wood), upholstery fabrics (e.g., polyester), rugs (e.g., polyolefin), flooring (vinyl), foam in mattresses, synthetic fabric clothing, even the acrylic paint on our walls, and outdoor vinyl siding - it's all made with plastics from petrochemicals.
And when it burns in a fire, it's toxic and harmful to breathe.
Watch the video made by the UL Fire Safety Research Institute that show side- by-side burn comparisons between natural and synthetic furnished rooms. Pretty shocking! And yes, the all natural materials (e.g., wood, cotton) burned much slower and the smoke was less toxic than the synthetic materials. Flashover time (when escape becomes impossible) was under 5 minutes in the synthetic furnishing room and over 30 minutes in the natural furnishings room.
The following The Atlantic article sums up the dangers nicely. One vivid example is pointing out that most of our modern sofas are "basically blocks of gasoline". These are good reasons to consider using more natural materials in our homes (cotton, wood, glass, steel, etc.).
Excerpts from The Atlantic: What Happens When a Plastic City Burns
As flames rip through Los Angeles County, burning restaurants, businesses, and whole blocks of houses, it’s clear that the threat of urban fire has returned to the United States. But this time, the urban landscape is different: Modern homes are full of plastic, turning house fires into chemical-laced infernos that burn hotter, faster, and more toxic than their predecessors.
Firefighters are warning that the smoke pouring out of neighborhoods in Southern California is a poisonous soup, in part because of the ubiquity of plastics and other petrochemical products inside them. “It’s one of the reasons why we can’t put firefighters in front of these houses,” the Cal Fire battalion chief David Acuna told me on Monday. After any lifesaving work has been done, keeping firefighters in the toxic air is too great a risk.
Very few fixtures of the modern home are entirely free of plastic. If your couch is like many available on the market today, it’s made of polyester fabric (plastic) wrapped around polyurethane foam (plastic). When polyurethane foam burns, it releases potentially deadly hydrogen-cyanide gas. Perhaps those plastic-wrapped plastic cushions sit on a frame of solid wood, or perhaps the frame is made from an engineered wood product held together with polymer-based glues (plastic). Consider, too, the ubiquity of vinyl plank flooring, popular for its resistance to scuffing, and vinyl siding, admired for its durability. Then there is foam insulation, laminate countertops, and the many synthetic textiles in our bedding and curtains and carpets. Nearly all house paint on the market is best understood as pigment suspended in liquid plastic.
As structure fires eat through the plethora of materials inside a home, they can release not just hydrogen-cyanide gas but also hydrochloric acid, dioxins, furans, aerosolized phthalates, and a range of other gaseous contaminants broadly known as volatile organic compounds. Some may be harmless. Others are associated with health problems. As gas-detection technology improves, “we’re discovering new molecules of incomplete combustion that we didn’t know existed,” Borduas-Dedekind said. “When you’re burning a home or an entire neighborhood, we don’t have a handle on the breadth of VOCs being emitted.” And many of these can react with one another in the atmosphere, creating yet more compounds. Whereas N95 masks are good for filtering out the fine particles associated with fire smoke, they do nothing for these gases; only a gas mask can filter them out.