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L. sakei

There has been an exciting development in chronic sinusitis research and treatment using the beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus sakei (L. sakei), specifically with the probiotic powder Lanto Sinus. This recent study took a different approach to chronic sinusitis by looking at the immune system.

Researchers conducted a sinusitis study of individuals with chronic sinusitis, all who had undergone multiple sinus surgeries and were considered hard to treat (had continuing problems with sinusitis, thus refractory). The researchers found that using Lanto Sinus (with its specific strain of L. sakei Probio65) had very good results in treating many of the individuals.

Lanto Sinus probiotic powder

The treatments involved using Lanto Sinus (L. sakei proBio65) as a nasal rinse (1/4 teaspoon of Lanto Health powder in 2 tablespoons of normal saline nasal rinse) once a day and 1/4 teaspoon (240 mg) twice a day in food. This continued until they felt healthy. [IMPORTANT: Stop the use of L. sakei when feeling better.]

The researchers approached chronic sinusitis by looking at the immune system, specifically IL-12, a substance involved with immune system functioning. They found that IL-12 levels can be low in chronic sinusitis sufferers. Using L. sakei raises IL-12 levels, which they thought explained the positive results.

In other words, their thoughts are that microbial imbalances in chronic sinusitis could contribute to IL-12 signaling defects, and this results in low IL-12 levels. Which L. sakei can correct. 

How was IL-12 measured in the study? Blood was drawn from each person and a lab analysis was done - called a pSTAT4 phosphorylation assay (which measures immune health related to IL-12).

Next: Now the researchers are starting another study to further look into this. Stay tuned!

Abstract (summary) excerpts from medRxiv (for preprints), and now at National Library of Medicine: STAT4 Phosphorylation of T-helper Cells predicts surgical outcomes in Refractory Chronic Rhinosinusitis


Objective: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) impacts an estimated 5% to 15% of people worldwide, incurring significant economic healthcare burden. There is a urgent need for the discovery of predictive biomarkers to improve treatment strategies and outcomes for CRS patients. ...continue reading "Looking at the Immune System in Chronic Sinusitis"


It is now 9 full years since I first started successfully treating both chronic sinusitis and regular sinus infections using only  the probiotic Lactobacillus sakei. This means no antibiotics or any other antibacterial has been used in more than 9 years! This is amazing – ten years ago I didn't believe this to be possible.

Research shows that the beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus sakei occurs naturally (in tiny amounts) in healthy sinuses, but is depleted or missing in those with sinusitis. (You know we all have a sinus microbiome - bacteria, fungi, and viruses living in the sinuses, yes?) I started by using kimchi after reading research in late 2012, but the last few years I've used the refrigerated product Lanto Sinus, which contains a kimchi-derived strain of Lactobacillus sakei. 

I have heard from hundreds of people since the blog started, and the majority agree - Lactobacillus sakei works great as a sinusitis treatment! (Other probiotic species just don't work.) [See Best Probiotics For Sinusitis for details on results and products used.]

Lessons Learned During Past 9 Years:

  1. Lactobacillus sakei alone is enough to treat sinusitis or sinus infections. Don't need fancy concoctions or fancy protocols when using it. Using it (whether in kimchi or Lanto Sinus) should take under 1 minute a day!
  2. Only use Lactobacillus sakei when needed - when there are some sinus symptoms (e.g., lots of mucus, post nasal drip) or you're sliding towards sinusitis. No need to wait till the sinus infection is full-blown.
  3. Stop using it when feeling better. Just like with antibiotics, don't take it daily and routinely, but only when needed.
  4. Use for a few days and evaluate whether you can stop or whether you need to keep using it longer. Frequently the sinuses keep improving even after stopping Lactobacillus sakei. One can always use more if needed.
  5. Lactobacillus sakei normally lives in healthy sinuses, which is why it is such an effective sinus infection treatment for so many people.
  6. Over time (whether weeks or months) a person typically needs less Lactobacillus sakei to treat sinus symptoms. The L. sakei colonizes in the sinuses - whether short-term or long-term.
  7. Swishing a product like Lanto Sinus in the mouth alone is a gentle and cautious way to use the product. Using it in the nostrils is a stronger way to use the product.
  8. Don't overdo it. Using a little bit in the nostrils (as described in Sinusitis Treatment Summary) is sufficient. Let the little buggers travel on their own throughout the sinuses!
  9. If Lactobacillus sakei works for a person, it can feel miraculous as sinusitis symptoms disappear, frequently within a few days. Others have slower improvement. Unfortunately, it doesn't work for everyone and only self-experimentation determines whether it does - after all, everyone's sinus microbiome is different.

Hopefully this offers hope to sinus infection sufferers. Good health!