A new study highlights the importance of eating a variety of foods for good health. Researchers found that humans have 5 distinct regions in the small intestine, and each region absorbs different nutrients and has different cellular functions. And each zone responds to changes in the diet.
The researchers said that this helps understand how the small intestine successfully regenerates over the life span, as well as clues as to the development of some intestinal diseases. They also discovered that there are 3 regions in the small intestine that are each home to distinct intestinal stem cell types.
Bottom line: Be good to your intestines (and in doing so, promote good health) by eating a variety of real foods. That means a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes (beans). Try to eat as many organic foods as possible (non-organic foods contain pesticide residues that can disrupt gut microbiome). Try to avoid ultra-processed foods as much as possible.
From Medical Xpress: Scientists gain new insights into how small intestine works
However, the organ may finally be ready for an update: U.S. researchers say the small intestine is actually comprised of five distinct segments, each being responsible for the absorption of various nutrients. ...continue reading "The Five Regions of the Small Intestine"