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There appears to be a big downside to an all plant diet, which is the possibility of missing essential nutrients that are found in dairy and meat (e.g., vitamin B12, vitamin D3, iron, zinc, choline).

This is especially worrisome if a woman is pregnant (developing baby) and also in children (developing body and brain). Nutrient status is important both before conception and during pregnancy for both a healthy pregnancy and baby.

A recent study looking at vitamin status in women both before conception and during pregnancy in 3 high-income countries found that over 90% of the women had marginal or low concentrations of 1 or more important nutrients: folate (folic acid), riboflavin, vitamin B12, or vitamin D before conception, and many developed vitamin B6 deficiency in late pregnancy.

All women took vitamin supplements containing folic acid, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, and iodine during pregnancy. However, one group took supplements that additionally had riboflavin, vitamins B6, B12, and D, zinc. The researchers found that the group with additional vitamins  had higher (better) levels of the nutrients throughout pregnancy.

The study results show that multivitamins should already be taken during the preconception period. Multivitamins should be continued after pregnancy while breastfeeding a baby to maintain adequate levels of essential nutrients.

From Science Daily: Pregnant women are missing vital nutrients needed for them and their babies

Pregnant women are not getting the essential nutrients they and their babies need from modern diets say scientists, who have warned that the situation will likely worsen as more people turn to plant-based foods. ...continue reading "Many Women Have Low Levels of Important Nutrients Before Pregnancy"