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Did you ever wonder about all the consumer products that have fragrances in them and whether they are safe to use? Think of all the fragrances in personal care products and perfumes, in air fresheners, scented soaps, cleaning products, scented candles, even laundry detergents, and scented dryer sheets. Fragrances are made up of many synthetic chemicals - with ...continue reading "Health Reasons to Avoid Fragrances, Air Fresheners, Dryer Sheets"

People worry about breast cancer and whether exposure to chemicals "in the environment" can lead to breast cancer. According to many studies the answer is: YES, absolutely - and this is why they are called carcinogens (a substance capable of causing cancer). What are the chemicals? A recent study found that 921 chemicals are likely ...continue reading "Hundreds Of Common Chemicals Are Linked to Breast Cancer Risk"

For years there has been much concern over chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors (hormone disruptors) in the personal products that we use on a daily basis.  One big concern is whether these chemicals, such as parabens and phthalates, are causing breast cancer (as well as other harmful health effects). Because whatever you use on ...continue reading "Personal Care Products and Breast Cancer Risk"

Oh no... Back in 2017 a large study found that male sperm counts had dropped over 50% since the 1970s in North America, Europe, and Australia. Declining every year, year after year, for over 40 years. This has serious implications for fertility - if sperm counts drop too low, it's very difficult to conceive a ...continue reading "Sperm Counts Are Still Dropping Throughout the World"

Some depressing news for pregnant women - they are exposed to and contaminated with more harmful industrial chemicals than ever before. Thousands of chemicals are used in numerous consumer products and in food production (on farms, and in packaging). Not only can we get exposed to industrial chemicals from foods and products, but also from ...continue reading "Pregnant Women Are Exposed To More Chemicals and Pesticides"

Many people don't realize that the plastic toys our children play with may contain harmful chemicals. Children get exposed to these chemicals by touching the toy (absorption through the skin), or ingesting chemicals (e.g. when a baby mouths the toy, or child ingests dust from the toy), but also from breathing in chemicals leaching out ...continue reading "Plastic Toys May Contain Harmful Chemicals"

Did you know that our modern lifestyle is exposing us to thousands of harmful chemicals? All of us are exposed to many harmful chemicals daily - in ordinary household products, at work and school, in our food, and in the air and water around us. These chemicals are found in plastics, in stain resistant finishes, ...continue reading "Tips For Reducing Exposures to Harmful Chemicals"

Think that BPA-free products are safe? Oops... it doesn't look like it. The most common replacement for the commonly used chemical compound BPA (bisphenol A) is BPS (bisphenol S). But it has become very clear that both are hormone disrupting chemicals with numerous and harmful health effects, especially reproductive disorders. BPA and BPS are plasticizers used in ...continue reading "Is the Replacement For BPA Even Worse?"

The evidence is building, study by study, that we are all exposed to a mixture of hormone disrupting chemicals (endocrine disruptors) on a daily basis, and that these have serious health effects, including on the developing fetus during pregnancy. Researchers found that early prenatal exposure to a mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals  was associated with ...continue reading "Pregnancy, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, and Lower IQ"