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The US is awash in pesticides - whether used on farms, in homes, on lawns, right-of-ways, on flea collars, etc., etc. They are used for specific reasons (e.g., to kill specific pests or weeds), but they also cause harms. People have more exposure to pesticides than they realize, and this results in health harms, especially to children and during pregnancy.

For example, people are exposed when there is drifting of pesticides to non-target areas when applied, or there is contamination of drinking water, or from the pesticide residues in the foods we eat, touching dogs wearing flea collars, or when children play on treated lawns.

A large study found that exposure to multiple pesticides results in an increased risk of childhood cancers - brain cancer by 36%, leukemia rates by 23%, and overall pediatric cancer rates by 30%. The study was done in Nebraska, the state with the second highest cancer rates. Many scientists, and also researchers of the study, believe this is from extensive use of multiple pesticides on crops.

Unfortunately, the government only looks at exposure to one chemical at a time - not the mixtures we are exposed to on a daily basis. Also, the most toxic pesticides (dicamba, paraquat, glyphosate) are more regulated or banned in Europe, but not in the US. (Remember: $$$ first in the US).

Simple steps you can do to lower your pesticide exposure: 1) Eat as many organic foods as possible. Pesticide levels in the body will rapidly go down. 2) Use non-toxic Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or organic methods for pest problems. 3) Don't use pesticides on the grounds where you live. View lawns as having wildflowers (bee habitats!) and not weeds. 4) Take your shoes off at the door (so you don't track in pesticides). 5) Use some sort of water filter for drinking water if you suspect that there are pesticides in your water.

From The Guardian: Exposure to combination of pesticides increases childhood cancer risk – study

Exposure to multiple pesticides significantly increases the risk of childhood cancers compared with exposures to just one pesticide, first-of-its-kind research finds, raising new fears that children are more at risk to the substances’ harmful effects than previously thought. ...continue reading "Exposures to Pesticides and Childhood Cancer Risk"

A recent large study found that exposure in childhood to more "green spaces" or a "greener neighborhood" results in better lung function in those children. Well, duh.. of course. The study needed to be done to show the health benefits of parks and other outdoor green spaces for children, and thus the need for green spaces in urban areas.

The study involved more than 35,000 children from eight European countries. They found that the more "green space" or "greener neighborhoods" exposure (meaning the more green spaces by the child's residence) that the children had in early childhood, the better it was for their lung function. On the other hand, the further away a child lived from green spaces, the lower the lung volume.

Why? The researchers point out that green spaces (parks, yards) reduce air pollution, which in turn affects respiratory health of children. It also exposes the children to beneficial microbes, which are good for their microbiome and immune system. Finally, playing outside (physical activity) is good for lung development and function.

From Science Daily: Children living in greener neighborhoods show better lung function

A large study of 35,000 children from eight countries has found a "robust" link between exposure to green spaces in early childhood and better lung function. The study, led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), has been published in Environment International. ...continue reading "Better Lung Function In Children Living Near Green Spaces"

Update to the toxic pesticide acephate story of last week. Well, well, well.... Due to the big outcry after ProPublica's story exposing EPA's recent decision to relax standards and so allow much more of the toxic pesticide acephate in our food, the officials at the EPA changed their minds and now propose banning it! 

Acephate is an insect killer commonly used on celery, lettuce, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, and other fruits and vegetables, and residues stay on produce that we eat. It also contaminates drinking water. (It's used on non-organic crops, but it's not allowed to be used on organic crops.)

Propublica's story broke on April 24, 2024, and immediately afterwards there was outrage over the EPA's relaxing of the pesticide standards decision. This is because the FDA was totally ignoring years of scientific and medical research showing harms to humans, and only accepting and believing what the pesticide industry told them. It even ignored its own scientists and advisory groups.

Acephate is a pesticide known to be so harmful that it was BANNED in Europe more than 20 years ago, yet allowed in the US. A major reason: harmful effects on the developing brains of fetuses and children, and linked to autism, hyperactivity, and reduced scores on intelligence tests. In 2023, the CDC said that autism spectrum disorder rates have now increased to 1 out of every  36 births.

Now we wait and see: Will the FDA (once again) cave to industry or actually do what they are supposed to do - protect consumers? 

ProPublica is a non-profit investigative journalism site. The following are excerpts from their May 1, 2024 story on the FDA reversal. From ProPublica: EPA Proposes Ban on Pesticide Widely Used on Fruits and Vegetables

The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a proposal this week to ban a controversial pesticide that is widely used on celery, tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables. ...continue reading "The EPA Reverses Course and Now Proposes Banning Toxic Pesticide"

Once again the EPA is about to let us down - by not protecting us (the consumers) and giving in to big business. Against the advice of scientists and scientific advisory panels, the EPA is about to really relax standards for the toxic pesticide acephate.

This pesticide is an insecticide (kills insects) used on food crops, such as celery, lettuce, peppers, and tomatoes. So when you eat non-organic produce, you will also be ingesting the pesticide. But... studies find it is linked to neurological harms (e.g., autism, reduced scores on intelligence tests, hyperactivity). It also causes harms to bees and other pollinators, fish, and other mammals.

How could this happen? The EPA is only relying on industry studies (notorious for being biased) and ignoring independent studies that find harms. The EPA is proposing allowing 10 times more on foods  than is now allowed. Meanwhile, the European Union (EU) banned acephate 20 years ago!

The EPA also proposed relaxing standards for a similar pesticide - malathion. Nope, nope, nope - for all the same reasons .

Excerpts from the investigative news site ProPublica on April 24, 2024: 10 Times as Much of This Toxic Pesticide Could End Up on Your Tomatoes and Celery Under a New EPA Proposal

When you bite into a piece of celery, there’s a fair chance that it will be coated with a thin film of a toxic pesticide called acephate.

The bug killer — also used on tomatoes, cranberries, Brussels sprouts and other fruits and vegetables — belongs to a class of compounds linked to autism, hyperactivity and reduced scores on intelligence tests in children. ...continue reading "The EPA Proposes Relaxing Standards For A Toxic Pesticide"

It turns out that some commonly found chemicals in household products are actually hazardous to our brain health. A recent study found that these chemicals have a harmful effect on brain cells called oligodendrocytes. The harmful chemicals are quaternary compounds (found in some disinfectant products and personal care products) and some flame retardants found in household items such as furniture and electronics.

Oligodendrocytes are cells in the central nervous system that form the myelin sheath (a layer that covers and protects nerve cells) in the brain and spinal cord. Damage to the myelin sheath underlies some neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis.

The researchers felt that exposure to these chemicals that damage oligodendrocytes may be a risk factor for neurological diseases. In other words, you don't want to damage these cells. Pregnant women (developing baby) and children (developing brains!) are especially vulnerable.

Bottom line: Avoid disinfecting or cleaning supplies that say they contain "quaternary compounds" and try not to buy products containing flame retardants. Check labels!

From Science Daily: Common household chemicals pose new threat to brain health, study finds

A team of researchers from the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine has provided fresh insight into the dangers some common household chemicals pose to brain health. They suggest that chemicals found in a wide range of items, from furniture to hair products, may be linked to neurological conditions like multiple sclerosis and autism spectrum disorders. ...continue reading "Some Common Household Chemicals Have A Harmful Effect On the Brain"

Lead is harmful, especially for children. Lowered IQ, learning disabilities, behavioral problems - all from lead exposure. There are no safe lead levels in individuals, so you want to avoid lead and lead-containing products whenever possible. So it shouldn't be a surprise that a study found that owning guns (firearms) is correlated with elevated lead levels in children.

The cause is the lead ammunition (bullets) and primer used in the firearms. Lead styphnate is commonly used in the primer, which is the explosive that ignites the gunpowder. When a bullet is fired, fumes and fine lead particles are released into the air.

The researchers point out: When lead bullets are used, and the guns are discharged, then lead dust is produced. This lead dust gets everywhere, including on clothes, the body, personal items (e.g., phone, bags, laptop), and in vehicles. The lead dust is brought home, where it further settles on toys, the floor, rugs, and upholstery.

By the way, for hunters bringing home meat they killed with lead bullets - the lead (from tiny fragments or microscopic pieces) gets into the meat far from the bullet. So they are eating meat contaminated with lead. And the more of this meat is eaten, the higher the blood levels in the person.

Bottom line: Use non-lead bullets in firearms. 

From Science Daily: Firearm ownership is correlated with elevated lead levels in children, study finds

Childhood lead exposure, primarily from paint and water, is a significant health concern in the United States, but a new study has identified a surprising additional source of lead exposure that may disproportionately harm children: firearms. ...continue reading "Firearms and Elevated Lead Exposure In Children"

Another disappointing result for Vitamin D supplements. A large study, with school-aged children randomly assigned to either a vitamin D supplement group or no supplement, found that vitamin D supplementation had no effect on the number of fractures that occurred in the children. Vitamin D3 supplementation did not prevent fractures or have an effect on bone strength.

Most children were vitamin D deficient at the beginning of the 3 year study (but none had rickets, for which vitamin D is prescribed). The vitamin D supplement (14,000 IU/week for 3 years) group soon had normal levels while the other group stayed at low levels. And yet there were no differences in the percentage getting fractures (6% in both groups) over time.

From Science Daily: Vitamin D supplements do not prevent bone fractures in children

A major clinical trial led by Queen Mary University of London and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found that vitamin D supplements do not increase bone strength or prevent bone fractures in children with vitamin D deficiency. The findings challenge widely held perceptions relating to the effects of vitamin D on bone health. ...continue reading "Study Found Vitamin D Supplements Do Not Prevent Fractures In Children"

Many children and adults have been diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and been prescribed medications as a result. Medications that are taken daily for years. The big question is: Are there long-term health effects from ADHD medications?

A large study looking at long-term use of ADHD medications found an increase in cardiovascular disease, particularly hypertension and arterial disease, when compared to persons with ADHD who did not take medications. The longer the medications were taken, the higher the risk for hypertension and arterial disease.

In the 14 year follow-up, the researchers found that each 1 year increase of ADHD medication was associated with a 4% increased risk of heart disease (cardiovascular disease). The risk was higher for stimulant medications (e.g., methylphenidate, lisdexamfetamine) than for non-stimulant medications.

From Medical Xpress: Long-term ADHD medication use associated with increased cardiovascular disease

Research led by the Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, has found an increased risk of cardiovascular disease associated with long-term ADHD ( attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) medication use. Specific associations with different medications and dosages were connected to hypertension and arterial disease, with a higher risk observed for stimulant medications. ...continue reading "ADHD Medications and Increased Risk of Heart Disease"

Once again a study looked at pesticide exposure in humans and found health problems. This time a study by Univ. Of California researchers looked at exposures to the commonly used pesticides 2,4-D and glyphosate, and found that they are associated with neurobehavioral effects in teenagers.

Neurobehavioral effects means there are effects on the relationship between the brain and nervous system and behavior. The study found that 2,4-D had significant effects on brain function - with lower performance on tests measuring attention and inhibition control, language, memory/learning, and visual-spatial processing, while glyphosate had effects on social perception.

Studies finding harmful health effects from both of these pesticides (e.g., cancer, neurological effects, endocrine disrupting effects) are increasing each year.

By the way, almost all of us have the herbicide glyphosate (found in Roundup) in our bodies. Most of us also have 2,4-D residues in our bodies because of its common use as a weed-killer, especially in Feed and Weed products (used on lawns) and in crops.

We get pesticides into our bodies through the foods we eat and drink, air we breathe, and skin contact. Pesticide exposure to glyphosate and 2,4-D is actually increasing due to the increased use in genetically modified (e.g., Roundup Ready) crops and "preharvest" use in conventional crops.

Bottom line: Try to lower your exposure to pesticides. Eat organic foods as much as possible. (Glyphosate and 2,4-D are not allowed in organic food production.) Avoid using pesticides on your lawn. Use least toxic Integrated Pest Management for control of pests indoors and outdoors. Leave your shoes at the door.

From Medical Xpress: Research suggests commonly-used herbicide is harmful to adolescent brain function

Herbicides are the most used class of pesticides worldwide, with uses in agriculture, homes and industry. Exposures to two of the most popular herbicides were associated with worse brain function among adolescents, according to a study led by researchers at the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California San Diego. ...continue reading "Commonly Used Pesticides and the Adolescent Brain"

Recently the NFL Players Association called for all 30 NFL stadiums to use natural grass rather than synthetic or artificial turf. The reason given is that artificial turf causes "unnecessary injuries" in football players.

It's true. For years, including the 2022 NFL season, there were significantly more non-contact injuries to the lower extremities (e.g., ACL tears) on synthetic turf than on natural grass. By the way, the FIFA World Cup soccer association always requires a grass playing field.

But there are also other compelling reasons to not use synthetic turf - all the toxic chemicals in it. Carcinogens (e.g., cancer-causing chemicals), endocrine disruptors, "forever chemicals" (e.g., PAHs), neurotoxicants. Study after study shows that these chemicals leach out into the environment, as well as on the people playing on the turf. And yes, it is thought they cause harmful health effects, such as cancer - but the studies have not been done.

Children playing on these synthetic fields are at highest risk - they inhale the chemicals being released from the tur, get it on their skin, and ingest tiny particles. The synthetic turf also heats up excessively in hot sunny weather - from 140 to 170 degrees F. (Grass rarely heats up more than 100 degrees F.)

The following are some good articles on this topic:

Moms Clean Air Force (non-profit group working on air quality issues): Artificial Grass Isn’t Always Greener: Toxic Chemicals in Synthetic Turf

For health information about the chemicals, and tips to reduce risks if you or your child plays on synthetic turf. From The Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai: Artificial Turf Health Risks

Great (and easy to read) reports on artificial turf from the non-profit research group Environment and Human Health. Main page (scroll down) on artificial turf articles.  Good article: Synthetic Turf Report: Industry's Claims Versus the Science (Hint: they explain how the synthetic turf industry lies and distorts)

From Beyond Pesticides: Sports World Rejects Synthetic Turf, Favors Natural Grass as Organic Offers Safe Alternatives