A number of things can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer (colon cancer), such as highly processed foods, eating a Western diet low in fiber, or the bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum. These are known to contribute to or result in the gut microbiome being out of whack (gut dysbiosis).
Another factor is perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), which are chemicals we all are exposed to in everyday life. A recent study illustrated how long-term exposure to PFOS can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer because of the effect it has on intestinal cells in the intestines.
PFAS and PFOS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are called forever chemicals due to their buildup (bioaccumulation) and persistence in people and the environment. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).
They are widely used chemicals, such as in non-stick coatings (e.g., pots and pans) and stain and water repellent products. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).
They are in all of us at varying levels, and they have harmful health effects. Effects include cancer, reproductive harm (e.g., poorer semen quality), birth defects, lowered sex and growth hormones in children, thyroid disease, immune effects, and liver and kidney damage. They are endocrine disruptors.
The chemical industry would have you think that the newer PFAS chemicals that replace the older ones are "safer", but guess what? They're not. They're very similar chemically, so it shouldn't be surprising that they don't appear to be safer.
Bottom line: You can't totally avoid PFAS chemicals, but you can lower your exposure to them. If possible, avoid products that are water and stain proof or leak-proof, especially if children will be using the product. Don't use nonstick cookware, stain resistant carpeting and fabrics, clothing treated to be water-proof, and synthetic turf. PFAS and PFOS don't have to be mentioned on labels, so it's buyer beware.
From Medical Xpress: Study links 'forever chemical' PFOS with colorectal cancer
A recent University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study sheds light on how the environmental pollutant perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) may affect our intestines and possibly increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. ...continue reading "Forever Chemicals Are Linked To Colorectal Cancer"