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Soda Credit: Wikipedia

More worrisome news about high-fructose corn syrup. Researchers found that high fructose corn syrup actually speeds up and fuels the growth of cancer tumors in animals who already have cancer.

While this study was done in mice (with either breast cancer, melanoma, or cervical cancer), it is actually a scary finding because so many foods that Americans ingest daily contain high-fructose corn syrup. It is a sugar derived from corn starch and found in many foods: baked goods, soda, fast food, cereals, ice cream, etc. If you see it in an ingredient list, it means it is an ultra-processed food.

Bottom line: Read food ingredient lists and try to avoid eating foods with high-fructose corn syrup.

Excerpts from US Right To Know: High-fructose corn syrup fuels tumor growth in animals with cancer, a new study shows

High-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener commonly used in soda and ultra-processed foods, accelerates cancer tumor growth via the liver, according to research published last week [Dec. 4, 2024] in Nature.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sugar derived from corn starch. High fructose intake has been shown to contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and obesity, both of which are associated with systemic inflammation and altered lipid metabolism (the way the body processes fats). It has also been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and colorectal cancer. ...continue reading "Another Reason to Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup"

Pesticides are once again in the news as being linked to cancer. A recent study found that 22 pesticides show direct associations with prostate cancer in the US, and 4 of these pesticides are associated with death from prostate cancer.

The Stanford Univ. researchers also found that the more these pesticides were used in a county-wide area, the greater the association with prostate cancer. They analyzed a total of 295 pesticides across US counties. One of the pesticides associated with prostate cancer is 2,4-D, which is commonly used on lawns as a weed-killer, for example in Feed and Weed products. [Note: it was also one of the 2 pesticides in Agent Orange).

Earlier studies also found a link with some of the pesticides and prostate cancer, including 2,4-D. But this study found a link with 19 more.

The four pesticides associated with death from prostate cancer are three herbicides (trifluralin, cloransulam-methyl, and diflufenzopyr) and one insecticide (thiamethoxam). But of these, only trifluralin is classed by the Environmental Protection Agency as a "possible human carcinogen". (Yes, current studies used to evaluate pesticides are inadequate)

Bottom line: Avoid the use of pesticides as much as possible. Organic methods or least toxic integrated pest management (IPM) is best. On lawns - embrace diversity and view weeds as wildflowers, and your lawn a bee habitat.

From Medical Xpress: Study reveals links between many pesticides and prostate cancer

Researchers have identified 22 pesticides consistently associated with the incidence of prostate cancer in the United States, with four of the pesticides also linked with prostate cancer mortality. The findings are published in Cancer. ...continue reading "Some Pesticides Are Linked to Prostate Cancer"

Kitchen spatula Credit: Wikipedia

If you already suspected that we are surrounded by toxic chemicals in our homes - yes, your suspicions are true. A new study found that toxic flame retardants are in many household items that we use daily, specifically black plastic items (e.g., kitchen utensils, toys, takeout containers). That's because black plastic items tend to include recycled plastics.

In the study the researchers tested 230 store-bought items in the Seattle area for flame retardants, and found flame retardants in 85% of them. All the tested items were of black plastic or had black plastic somewhere in them (e.g., underside of  toy cars). Showing that the flame retardants are pervasive, the 10 items with the highest levels of flame retardants were a sushi tray, toy car, peeler, travel checkers set, toy beads, and other kitchen utensils.

The problem with recycled plastics is that much of it comes from plastic that originally had flame retardants and other toxic chemicals added to it, for example electronics and electric products. When these recycled plastics are added to ordinary household items, the original toxic chemicals are in them, and now the consumer gets exposed to them. For example, in food utensils, toys, takeout containers, office supplies, and more. These items do NOT need flame retardants in them.

The study found that up to 2.3% of the weight of the household products were flame retardants. Some of the chemicals they found have been phased out, but are still winding up in recycled plastic. Studies show that flame retardants migrate from cooking utensils into food, and from toys into saliva. These chemicals are linked to cancers, endocrine and reproductive problems, and other health problems. Also, they tend to bioaccumulate in the environment and in people. Yikes!

Bottom line: At this point try to avoid black plastic items or items with some black plastic, especially in toys, food containers, and kitchen/household products. Right now view all "recycled plastic" items as problematic and to be avoided.

From Medical Xpress: From kitchenware to toys, household items linked to toxic flame retardants

From toys to kitchenware to food takeout trays, researchers have discovered a toxic chemical banned for its link to cancer in many common household items. Exposure to the flame retardant can come with serious health risks. ...continue reading "Many Household Items Contaminated With Flame Retardants"

Mammography image Credit: National Cancer Institute

Women have been advised by their doctors to get frequent mammograms for decades. However, what if frequent (e.g., annual) mammograms result in an increased risk for breast cancer due to exposure to X-rays? After all, there is a cumulative dose from the mammograms - year after year you get exposed to a little ionizing radiation, but it builds up over time.

Dr. Seth Hardy (radiologist and Associate Professor at Penn State Univ.) discusses this issue, while referencing research by Dr. Daniel Corcos about the possibility of some breast cancers occurring from the cumulative radiation from previous mammograms. This is because radiation is a carcinogen (can cause cancer).  [NOTE: studies find that over the years breast cancer treatments have so improved that any benefits of mammography screening are diminished.]

From Dr. Seth Hardy, writing at Sensible Medicine: The Ethics of Screening Mammography

The value of breast cancer screening with mammography is increasingly being questioned. Women are trying to decide what is right for them and the USPSTF is trying to decide what is worthy of reimbursement. Currently, the medical literature is at a stalemate.[1]1 ...

Screening mammography uses ionizing radiation, a known carcinogen. The dose of radiation in each exam is very low, but exposure is cumulative. Also, the absorbed dose varies with the density of the breast. Women with more glandular tissue receive a higher exposure. Thus, over decades of screening, radiation exposure may not be trivial, particularly in women with extremely dense breasts

Across a population there is some percentage of breast cancers which are caused by screening mammography. The exact number is the subject of debate and not well studied. One article from 2011 approximates 86 cancers and 11 deaths per 100,000 women due to breast cancer screening. Another paper estimates 20-25 fatalities for 100,000 women screened starting at age 40. Due to lack of data, and ethical limitations in obtaining more data, we do not know how many breast cancers are caused by screening. ...continue reading "Can Mammograms Increase Risk of Breast Cancer?"

Intestines Credit: Wikipedia

A number of things can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer (colon cancer), such as highly processed foods, eating a Western diet low in fiber, or the bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum. These are known to contribute to or result in the gut microbiome being out of whack (gut dysbiosis).

Another factor is perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), which are chemicals we all are exposed to in everyday life. A recent study illustrated how long-term exposure to PFOS can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer because of the effect it has on intestinal cells in the intestines.

PFAS and PFOS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are called forever chemicals due to their buildup (bioaccumulation) and persistence in people and the environment. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).

They are widely used chemicals, such as in non-stick coatings (e.g., pots and pans) and stain and water repellent products. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).

They are in all of us at varying levels, and they have harmful health effects. Effects include cancer, reproductive harm (e.g., poorer semen quality), birth defects, lowered sex and growth hormones in children, thyroid disease, immune effects, and liver and kidney damage. They are endocrine disruptors.

The chemical industry would have you think that the newer PFAS chemicals that replace the older ones are "safer", but guess what? They're not. They're very similar chemically, so it shouldn't be surprising that they don't appear to be safer.

Bottom line: You can't totally avoid PFAS chemicals, but you can lower your exposure to them. If possible, avoid products that are water and stain proof or leak-proof, especially if children will be using the product. Don't use nonstick cookware, stain resistant carpeting and fabrics, clothing treated to be water-proof, and synthetic turf. PFAS and PFOS don't have to be mentioned on labels, so it's buyer beware.

From Medical Xpress: Study links 'forever chemical' PFOS with colorectal cancer

A recent University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study sheds light on how the environmental pollutant perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) may affect our intestines and possibly increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. ...continue reading "Forever Chemicals Are Linked To Colorectal Cancer"

Recently, another well done study of vitamin D and cancer resulted in disappointing results. Vitamin D supplements showed no benefit in persons with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). It did not result in a difference in overall survival outcomes.

In the study, 455 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were assigned randomly to either high daily vitamin D3 or standard dose vitamin D3, in addition to receiving standard chemotherapy. The high dose vitamin D group received a loading dose of 8000 IU per day for 2 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 4000 IU per day until the end of the study. The standard dose vitamin D group received 400 IU per day.

However, there was no difference in "significant progression-free survival benefit". There also was no significant difference in how long people survived in the 2 groups (a median of 25.6 months in the high-dose group, and 27.0 months in the standard dose group).

The study results were disappointing because in laboratory studies vitamin D has anticancer properties. Critics of this study pointed out that vitamin D supplementation may have a role in cancer prevention - but at this point, that is unknown.

From Medscape: High-Dose Vitamin D Disappoints in Metastatic CRC: SOLARIS

The addition of high-dose vitamin D supplementation to standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab did not result in a significant progression-free survival benefit in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) in the SOLARIS study. ...continue reading "Another Vitamin D Study With Disappointing Results"

The bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum is prevalent in periodontal disease (gum disease), but also in some chronic diseases and cancers, such as colorectal cancer. The bacteria F. nucleatum is normally found in the mouth (oral) microbiome, and its numbers increase as periodontal disease inflammation increases.

It is thought that sometimes the bacteria leaves the mouth and travels to other parts of the body, where it can promote cancer and other diseases.

A recent study found that the antibiotic FP 100 (Hygromycin A) totally eliminates the F. nucleatum bacteria in the mouth, and without causing harm to the mouth microbiome or gut microbiome. This is because it is a narrow spectrum antibiotic - only targets the harmful bacteria, and not all (both good and harmful) bacteria. While the study was only done in mice, this is promising and welcome news.

Eliminating the harmful bacteria in the mouth would potentially prevent some chronic diseases and cancers. Now we need further studies to see if this finding holds up in humans.

From Medical Xpress: First narrow-spectrum antibiotic successfully eliminates  Fusobacterium nucleatum, a gum disease pathogen

In a study published in the Journal of Oral Microbiology, ADA Forsyth scientists found that FP 100 (Hygromycin A), a first-in-class, small molecule, narrow-spectrum antibiotic, successfully eradicates Fusobacterium nucleatum without harming the oral or gut microbiomes. ...continue reading "A Promising Antibiotic For Gum Disease"

The microbes living on and in us (the human microbiome or microbiota) play a big role in our health. Certain microbes are even implicated in cancer development and progression. Thus, it shouldn't come as a surprise that new research finds that certain bacteria are linked with bladder cancer.

It has long been known that certain nitrosamine compounds, which are in tobacco smoke, can induce bladder cancer - both in humans and rodents (e.g., mice). Nitrosamines are carcinogenic (cancer causing).

The study was done with mice given nitrosamine compounds (in their drinking water) for 12 weeks. The interesting part was that if antibiotics were given at the same time to the mice, bladder cancer did not develop in most of those mice. But it did develop in most of the mice not given antibiotics.

Since antibiotics reduce the number of bacteria in the gut, this means that gut microbes play a part in the bladder tumor onset. The researchers did find 12 bacterial species that they thought played a role in the mice, but it is unknown whether the same or different species play a role in human bladder cancer onset.

Will the use of antibiotics prevent bladder cancer also in humans? Stay tuned..

From Medical Xpress: Gut microbes implicated in bladder cancer

At any given time, over 10 trillion microbes call our guts their home. From breaking down nutrients in our food to strengthening our immunity against pathogens, these microbes play an essential role in how we interact with the world. This includes—as shown in a new study by EMBL researchers and collaborators at the University of Split, Croatia—the way the body responds to carcinogens and develops cancer. ...continue reading "Tobacco Smoke, Bladder Cancer, and the Gut Microbiome"

The incidence of both intestinal bowel diseases (IBD) and colorectal cancer is rapidly increasing in developed countries (e.g., US, Canada, Europe). There are many theories over why this is occurring, with most researchers thinking a person's diet plays a role. A big suspect in promoting IBD and colorectal cancer is the Western diet, which has lots of ultra-processed foods and is also low in fiber.

A recent large study looked at 6 major diets and how they impact the gut microbiome. The six dietary patterns were: Western diet, Mediterranean diet, high-fiber diet, plant-based diet, high protein diet, and ketogenic diet.

And surprise, surprise - eating a Western diet resulted in having an increase in gut bacterial species linked to chronic inflammation, heart disease, colorectal cancer, IBD, and diabetes. The Mediterranean style diet had an increase in bacterial species linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, IBD, and type 2 diabetes. In fact, all 6 diets had distinct bacterial profiles in the gut.

Bottom line: The foods a person eats can either feed and nourish beneficial bacteria or harmful bacteria (linked to cancer and IBD). Best for health is a Mediterranean style diet (lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts), and avoiding ultra-processed foods. You are what you eat!

From Medical Xpress: Western diets pose greater risk of cancer and inflammatory bowel disease, study finds

Western diets pose a greater risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer, according to a milestone review of what people eat around the world. ...continue reading "A Mediterranean Style Diet Feeds Beneficial Gut Bacteria"

Studies on aspirin keep coming. For decades, studies found that persons taking aspirin frequently have a lowered risk of developing colorectal (colon) cancer, and that they are less likely to die if they do develop colorectal cancer. A recent study confirmed these aspirin findings and looked at what is occurring.

Aspirin appears to boost or activate the immune system, which helps explain its protective effect in colorectal cancer. Clinical trials are going on now to test whether and how aspirin can be part of colorectal cancer treatment.

From Medscape: How Aspirin May Lower Risk for Colorectal Cancer

A 2020 meta-analysis, for instance, found that 325 mg of daily aspirin — the typical dose in a single tablet — conferred a 35% reduced risk of developing CRC, and a highly cited The Lancet study from 2010 found that a low dose of daily aspirin reduced the incidence of colon cancer by 24% and colon cancer deaths by 35% over 20 years.

The evidence surrounding aspirin and CRC is so intriguing that more than 70,000 people are currently participating in more than 2 dozen clinical studies worldwide, putting aspirin through its paces as an intervention in CRC.

But what, exactly, is aspirin doing?

...continue reading "Aspirin and Lower Risk of Colorectal Cancer"