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Recently, another well done study of vitamin D and cancer resulted in disappointing results. Vitamin D supplements showed no benefit in persons with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). It did not result in a difference in overall survival outcomes.

In the study, 455 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were assigned randomly to either high daily vitamin D3 or standard dose vitamin D3, in addition to receiving standard chemotherapy. The high dose vitamin D group received a loading dose of 8000 IU per day for 2 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 4000 IU per day until the end of the study. The standard dose vitamin D group received 400 IU per day.

However, there was no difference in "significant progression-free survival benefit". There also was no significant difference in how long people survived in the 2 groups (a median of 25.6 months in the high-dose group, and 27.0 months in the standard dose group).

The study results were disappointing because in laboratory studies vitamin D has anticancer properties. Critics of this study pointed out that vitamin D supplementation may have a role in cancer prevention - but at this point, that is unknown.

From Medscape: High-Dose Vitamin D Disappoints in Metastatic CRC: SOLARIS

The addition of high-dose vitamin D supplementation to standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab did not result in a significant progression-free survival benefit in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) in the SOLARIS study. ...continue reading "Another Vitamin D Study With Disappointing Results"

We all have some pesticide residues in our body, and the levels vary. One way that people are exposed to pesticides is from the foods they eat, specifically non-organic foods. Pesticides that people are exposed to can be measured in the blood and urine. 

A recent review of 72 scientific studies found that people who eat an organic diet have lower pesticide levels in their urine. (Other pesticide exposures are from the environment around us, for example, garden and lawn pesticides.)

The study authors specifically looked at pesticide residues and metabolites of common pesticides such as organophosphates, pyrethroids, 2,4-D, and glyphosate. The most commonly mentioned pesticide residue was from pyrethroids, with 34% of studies finding it in urine. Keep in mind that only a limited number of pesticide residues were looked for. In reality, people are exposed to many more in life, including from non-organic foods that they eat.

Looking at the studies, the researchers found a massive reduction in pesticide residues when an organic diet is adopted. For example, phenol and phosphonate herbicide levels drop 41% to 100% in the studies, and pyrethroid metabolites dropped 16% to 100% [Note: each study had different drops in pesticide residues.]

And yes, you want lower levels of pesticide residues in your body for health reasons. For example, pyrethroids have been associated with numerous health harms, including cancer, endocrine disruption, and reproductive effects.

Bottom line: To lower pesticide levels in your body, eat as many organic foods as possible.

Excerpts from Beyond Pesticides: Review of Pesticide Residues In Urine, Lower Concentrations With Organic Diet

 A literature review, published this month in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, explores levels of pesticide residues found in samples of human urine with environmental exposure and dietary intake and confirms prior findings about the benefits of an organic diet. Similar to past findings, lower concentrations of chemicals are detected in the urine of participants who report eating an organic diet. ...continue reading "Eating Organic Foods Lowers Pesticide Levels In the Body"

One message keeps being supported by research: Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil. A reason is because this diet is anti-inflammatory. And it turns out that inflammation is at the root of many diseases, including heart disease. And dementia.

A recent study that followed more than 84,342 older adults (60 years or older at the start of the study) found that those who ate an anti-inflammatory diet had a 21% lower chance of developing dementia. They also had larger gray matter volume in the brain, and smaller white matter lesions or spots in the brain (white matter hyperintensity volume). All of the adults had cardiometabolic diseases (e.g., heart disease, diabetes, stroke) at the start of the study.

Other studies have already confirmed that eating an anti-inflammatory diet (e.g., Mediterranean diet) is linked to lower risk of diabetes, heart disease, lower dementia risk, better cognitive function, and better brain aging (as measured by MRI scans).

From Medical Xpress: Anti-inflammatory diet could lower your odds for dementia

Eating a healthy diet that dampens inflammation in the body could lower your odds for dementia, especially if you already have heart risk factors, a new Swedish study shows. ...continue reading "Diet and Risk of Developing Dementia"

A diet rich in a variety of healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes) is important because of all the micronutrients it provides. For example, magnesium. A recent study found that low magnesium levels are linked to an increased risk of DNA damage and chronic diseases.

The reason is that low levels of magnesium in the body are associated with high amounts of homocysteine. The researchers felt that the study results indicate that "sufficiently high magnesium levels in the blood are essential to protect our genes from toxicity caused by homocysteine". Homocysteine levels increase when folate and B12 levels are deficient.

Some magnesium facts: It's the 4th most abundant mineral found in the body. It is involved with various functions in the body, including strengthening and development of bones, nerve function, regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, and DNA repair.

Magnesium rich foods are whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables (especially spinach and kale), nuts (especially, almonds, cashews, peanuts), beans, seeds (especially pumpkin and chia seeds), potatoes, rice, oatmeal, bananas, and dark chocolate.

Medical Xpress: Low magnesium levels are linked increased disease risk, study shows

A new Australian study has identified why a diet rich in magnesium is so important for our health, reducing the risk of DNA damage and chronic degenerative disorders. ...continue reading "Low Levels of Magnesium Can Increase the Risk of Some Diseases"

The artificial sweetener erythritol is added to many foods. However, this sugar substitute (which is often blended with stevia) may cause health problems . A recent small study found that consuming typical "sugar-less" foods, such as erythritol sweetened drinks or erythritol sweetened muffins, more than doubled the risk of blood clotting in healthy volunteers.

After consuming the drinks, their bodies made platelets (a type of blood cell) more active, which can raise the risk of blood clots. This did not happen after consuming regular sugar (glucose).

The researchers suggest instead of artificial sweeteners, to use sugar, honey, or fruit, but in moderation.

From Medical Xpress: New study adds to increasing evidence that sugar substitute erythritol raises cardiovascular risk

New Cleveland Clinic research shows that consuming foods with erythritol, a popular artificial sweetener, increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. The findings, from a new intervention study in healthy volunteers, show erythritol made platelets (a type of blood cell) more active, which can raise the risk of blood clots. Sugar (glucose) did not have this effect. ...continue reading "More Reasons To Avoid Artificial Sweeteners"

Eating plant-based foods has health benefits. But only if it's from real foods, and not ultra-processed. A recent study found that the more not ultra-processed plant-based foods a person ate (and the less ultra-processed plant-based foods), the lower their risk of cardiovascular disease  and early death.

The results show that eating minimally processed food is heart protective. And the reverse is also true: higher consumption of plant-based ultra-processed foods was associated with a greater risk of heart disease (including heart attacks and strokes) and early death from heart disease.

Read the ingredient lists! When there are ingredients that are not normally found in your kitchen (e.g., carrageenan, artificial or natural flavors, titanium dioxide, soy lecithin, high-fructose corn syrup, cellulose) - then they are ultra-processed foods. Ultra-processing strips away a food's nutrients, as well as fiber.

Yes, trying to lower consumption meat consumption and eating more plant-based foods is a good goal. But...Many meat-free foods (e.g., boxed macaroni and cheese), dairy substitutes, and plant-based "meats" are not healthy. Lots of chemicals were added to make it more meat-like or a dairy substitute - thus they are ultra-processed foods.

Packaged breads, buns, cakes, cookies and soda are meat free and plant-based foods, but they generally are ultra-processed.

Bottom line: Try to eat more fresh, frozen, or minimally plant-based foods. This is a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans), seeds, nuts. A good example is a Mediterranean-style diet, which has been shown to have many health benefits.

From Washington Post: When plant foods are ultra-processed, the health benefits disappear

Eating a plant-based diet is good for your health, but not if those plant foods are ultra-processed, a new study has found.

The findings show that all plant-based diets aren’t the same, and that plant foods can have very different effects on your health depending on what manufacturers do to them before they reach your plate. ...continue reading "Eating Ultra-Processed Plant-Based Foods Is Not Healthy"

The incidence of both intestinal bowel diseases (IBD) and colorectal cancer is rapidly increasing in developed countries (e.g., US, Canada, Europe). There are many theories over why this is occurring, with most researchers thinking a person's diet plays a role. A big suspect in promoting IBD and colorectal cancer is the Western diet, which has lots of ultra-processed foods and is also low in fiber.

A recent large study looked at 6 major diets and how they impact the gut microbiome. The six dietary patterns were: Western diet, Mediterranean diet, high-fiber diet, plant-based diet, high protein diet, and ketogenic diet.

And surprise, surprise - eating a Western diet resulted in having an increase in gut bacterial species linked to chronic inflammation, heart disease, colorectal cancer, IBD, and diabetes. The Mediterranean style diet had an increase in bacterial species linked to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, IBD, and type 2 diabetes. In fact, all 6 diets had distinct bacterial profiles in the gut.

Bottom line: The foods a person eats can either feed and nourish beneficial bacteria or harmful bacteria (linked to cancer and IBD). Best for health is a Mediterranean style diet (lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, nuts), and avoiding ultra-processed foods. You are what you eat!

From Medical Xpress: Western diets pose greater risk of cancer and inflammatory bowel disease, study finds

Western diets pose a greater risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer, according to a milestone review of what people eat around the world. ...continue reading "A Mediterranean Style Diet Feeds Beneficial Gut Bacteria"


The ingredient xylitol is added to a number of products, but recent studies find it to have no health benefits (in sinus products) or even associated with health harms. A recent study found that xylitol is linked with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

Xylitol is used in a large variety of products, especially as a sugar substitute (artificial sweetener). However, the research shows that xylitol it is prothrombotic - it causes platelets to clot, and increases the risk of thrombosis or clotting of the blood.

Interestingly, when comparing xylitol vs a glucose (sugar) in a study - drinking a xylitol sweetened drink increased every measure of platelet clotting in humans, but the glucose-sweetened drink did not.

From Science Daily: Sugar substitute linked to increased risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds

Cleveland Clinic researchers found higher amounts of the sugar alcohol xylitol are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke. ...continue reading "Study Finds That Xylitol Is Linked To A Higher Risk of Stroke and Heart Attack"

Many people wonder if the organic food that they buy really is organic. Well... when they buy imported organic foods from outside the United States - they may not be getting organic foods. Fraud occurs due to a major loophole in the current organic standards, a loophole that certain big companies and organizations want to keep.

OrganicEye, a non-profit investigative organization (organic industry watchdog) has published a paper outlining this loophole leading to fraud in organic imports, and the damage to American small organic farmers.

The loophole is that organic food imports do not have to meet the same standards as American organic growers. Imported organic foods farmers or producers do not have to have annual inspections, record-keeping, or any documentation that they are producing organic food. And on and on. Instead, a large organization can just announce that all the food from all sorts of places is "organic", and that's that. Nothing further needed.

Of course there is massive fraud of organic imports, which has been documented over and over. [By the way, avoid organic foods from China, Brazil, and Turkey - many are known to actually not be organic (fraud!)] It is cheaper to grow foods conventionally, but sell it as organic. Big $$$!

And who gets screwed? Consumers, as well as American organic farmers who have to maintain certain standards, have annual inspections, etc. - all of which cost money. This is why the foods American farmers grow/produce cost more than imports, and why so many of them are forced out of business

What to do? Look for and buy organic food produced in the US. Support small organic farmers - a good place to find such foods are farmers markets.

Excerpts from Organic Eye: USDA Sides with Corporate Agribusiness Lobbyists as Massive Quantities of Illegal Imports Crush US Organic Farmers

LA FARGE, WIS. — An organic industry watchdog has released a white paper outlining how uninspected organic imports have driven US farmers out of lucrative markets. The results of their findings triggered a formal request to the USDA Office of Inspector General to investigate the apparent systemic failure by the agency’s National Organic Program to enforce federal law.

...continue reading "Organic Food Imports Don’t Have To Meet Organic Food Standards"

For good health, eating a variety of foods is best. But some foods, such as olive oil, seem to be especially beneficial. A recent study found that high olive oil consumption lowers the risk of developing dementia, perhaps due to its anti-inflammatory properties and improving vascular health.

The large long-term study found that high olive oil consumption significantly decreased rates of developing and dying with dementia. Consuming at least half a tablespoon (7 grams) of olive oil was associated with a 28% lower risk for dementia-related death. And it didn't matter what the rest of the diet was.

Even replacing one teaspoon of margarine or mayonnaise with olive oil was beneficial - about 8 to 14% lower chances of dying with dementia. By the way, both margarine and mayonnaise are ultra-processed foods (look at the ingredients!).

Other benefits of olive oil: it lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, is anti-inflammatory, and helps preserve cognitive health as a person ages (it's neuroprotective).

Research finds that for health benefits, best is extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). Extra virgin olive oil is anti-inflammatory and contains oleocanthal, which has anticancer effects. Health benefits are both if eaten as is (e.g., dunk bread, in salad dressings) or cooked (e.g. roast vegetables, in sauces, cooking foods).

From Medical Xpress: Study suggests daily consumption of olive oil reduces chances of developing dementia

A team of nutritionists and medical researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has found evidence that daily consumption of olive oil may reduce the chances of developing dementia. ...continue reading "Daily Olive Oil Consumption Lowers Risk of Developing Dementia"