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Hair salon Credit: Wikipedia

Hairdressers are exposed to lots of harmful airborne chemicals in the products they and others use in hair salons. And it's every day they work, all day. A recent study found that the chemical exposure is especially high for hair stylists serving Black and Latina clients.

The airborne chemicals from the products hairdressers use (e.g., straighteners, relaxers, chemicals in permanents, hair dyes, sprays) are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They are air pollutants. These chemicals can pose health risks, such as reproductive effects, respiratory problems, cardiovascular effects, cancer, and skin and respiratory irritation. One common VOC hairdressers are exposed to is formaldehyde.

The study found that the level of VOCs in the air was much, much lower in office spaces not connected to the hair salons. Of course.

From Medical Xpress: Hairstylists serving Black and Latina clients exposed to high concentrations of airborne toxins

Hairstylists, especially those providing services to Black and Latina women, are exposed to high concentrations of harmful airborne chemicals in their workplace, a team of Johns Hopkins researchers has found.

The study, published in the Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment, is the first to report indoor air concentrations of several volatile organic compounds or VOCs in U.S. hair salons serving this group of women. This builds on previous Johns Hopkins research that found Black and Hispanic hairdressers had higher levels of chemicals from hair relaxers, dyes, and other salon products in their bodies compared to office workers but did not specifically measure air concentrations of the chemicals. ...continue reading "Hair Stylists Are Exposed to High Levels of Harmful Airborne Chemicals"

House fire Credit: Wikipedia

We all use plastic products in our daily lives. Our houses are usually full of plastics, especially modern houses. Examples: much furniture (e.g., engineered wood), upholstery fabrics (e.g., polyester), rugs (e.g., polyolefin), flooring (vinyl), foam in mattresses, synthetic fabric clothing, even the acrylic paint on our walls, and outdoor vinyl siding - it's all made with plastics from petrochemicals.

And when it burns in a fire, it's toxic and harmful to breathe.

Watch the video made by the UL Fire Safety Research Institute that show side- by-side burn comparisons between natural and synthetic furnished rooms. Pretty shocking! And yes, the all natural materials (e.g., wood, cotton) burned much slower and the smoke was less toxic than the synthetic materials. Flashover time (when escape becomes impossible) was under 5 minutes in the synthetic furnishing room and over 30 minutes in the natural furnishings room.

The following The Atlantic article sums up the dangers nicely. One vivid example is pointing out that most of our modern sofas are "basically blocks of gasoline". These are good reasons to consider using more natural materials in our homes (cotton, wood, glass, steel, etc.).

Excerpts from The Atlantic: What Happens When a Plastic City Burns

As flames rip through Los Angeles County, burning restaurants, businesses, and whole blocks of houses, it’s clear that the threat of urban fire has returned to the United States. But this time, the urban landscape is different: Modern homes are full of plastic, turning house fires into chemical-laced infernos that burn hotter, faster, and more toxic than their predecessors. ...continue reading "The Plastics In Our Homes Are Toxic In A Fire"

It turns out that there is another serious source of air pollution in cities that is not usually mentioned - the emissions from roof and road asphalt, especially on hot and sunny days.

Yale University researchers found that asphalt emits a complex mixture of compounds, including hazardous pollutants. The emissions really increase as temperature increases, as well as exposure to solar radiation (sunlight).

The researchers estimate that urban areas are about 45%+ paved, and 20% are roofs. They stated that in a city such as Los Angeles, asphalt's potential to emit secondary organic aerosols is comparable to vehicles.

From Science Daily: Asphalt adds to air pollution, especially on hot, sunny days

Asphalt is a near-ubiquitous substance -- it's found in roads, on roofs and in driveways -- but its chemical emissions rarely figure into urban air quality management plans.  ...continue reading "Asphalt In City Streets and Roofs Emits Air Pollutants"

When we think about air pollution, we usually think about pollutants in the air that we breathe in. But there is a growing body of evidence that some pollutants found in the air, including a group of chemicals called phthalates, can be absorbed directly through the skin (dermal absorption or dermal intake). A recent study has found that the skin absorption of certain phthalates (DERP and DnBP) is comparable to that from inhalation.

Phthalates are linked to a number of negative health effects, and so we should try to minimize our exposure to them.(Oct. 8, 2015 post and Sept. 29, 2015 post). The findings of this study is another strong argument against using scented products in the home, because phthalates are found in fragrances - whether air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, dryer sheets, etc. Just think of them as indoor air pollution. From Environmental Health Perspectives:

Transdermal Uptake of Diethyl Phthalate and Di(n-butyl) Phthalate Directly from Air: Experimental Verification

Fundamental considerations indicate that, for certain phthalate esters, dermal absorption from air is an uptake pathway that is comparable to or greater than inhalation. Yet this pathway has not been experimentally evaluated and has been largely overlooked when assessing uptake of phthalate esters.This study investigated transdermal uptake, directly from air, of diethyl phthalate (DEP) and di(n-butyl) phthalate (DnBP) in humans.  ...continue reading "We Are Absorbing Some Air Pollutants Through Our Skin"

There have been a number of recent studies finding various harms from air pollution - both for children and adults.The following are all from Science Daily:

Living near major roads may increase risk of sudden cardiac death in women

Living near a major road was associated with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death in women. Environmental exposure may increase heart disease risk as much as smoking, poor diet or obesity.

In 523 cases of sudden cardiac death, living within 50 meters (164 feet) of a major road increased the risk of sudden cardiac death by 38 percent, compared to living at least 500 meters (.3 miles) away. Each 100 meters (328 feet) closer to roadways was associated with a 6 percent increased risk for sudden cardiac death.

Air pollution harmful to young brains, study finds

Pollution in many cities threatens the brain development in children. Findings from a recent study reveal that children living in megacities are at increased risk for brain inflammation and neurodegenerative changes, including Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease.

The study found when air particulate matter and their components such as metals are inhaled or swallowed, they pass through damaged barriers, including respiratory, gastrointestinal and the blood-brain barriers and can result in long-lasting harmful effects..."We asked why a clinically healthy kid is making autoantibodies against their own brain components," Calderón-Garcidueñas said. "That is indicative of damage to barriers that keep antigens and neurotoxins away from the brain. Brain autoantibodies are one of the features in the brains of people who have neuroinflammatory diseases like multiple sclerosis."

High-pollution days linked to increased risk of cardiac arrest

Rates of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are elevated after days with high levels of air pollutants, reports a Japanese study. For example, 48 to 72 hours after days with high levels of particulate air pollution, the risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest increased by 17 percent, the researchers report.

Strong link between higher levels of pollution, lung health of European citizens

New data has identified a clear link between higher levels of exposure to air pollution and deteriorating lung health in adult European citizens. This study confirms previous findings that children growing up in areas with higher levels of pollution will have lower levels of lung function and a higher risk of developing symptoms such as cough and bronchitis symptoms. The new study also identified that people suffering from obesity are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of air pollution, possibly due to an increased risk of lung inflammation.

Air pollution linked to irregular heartbeat, lung blood clots

Air pollution is linked to an increased risk of developing an irregular heartbeat -- a risk factor for stroke -- and blood clots in the lung, finds a large study. The evidence suggests that high levels of certain air pollutants are associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, but exactly how this association works has not been clarified.