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Guess what? Our microbiome (the collection of microbes living within and on us) also normally contains fungi. This is our mycobiome.  Very little is known about the mycobiome. (in contrast, much, much more is known about the bacteria within us) The fungi within us may be as low as 0.1% of the total microbiota (all our microbes). But what is known is because advanced genetic analyses have been done (specifically "next-generation” sequencing") or culturing of the fungi.

In some studies of fungi in healthy adults, nothing at all is known about up to 50% of the species found. And each human has a diversity or variety of fungi living within them, and these seem to vary between different parts of the body. What little is known is that fungi that we may have thought of as pathogenic (or no good) and involved in diseases (think Candida and Aspergillus) are also found normally in healthy individuals. For example, Candida were found in the mouth or oral microbiome of healthy adults as well as the gut of many healthy adults (thus part of a healthy microbial ecosystem). Some studies suggest that our diet influences which fungi species are present in the gut.

Fungi are both part of health and disease. They interact with the other microbes within us. Some fungi appear to prevent disease by competing with pathogenic organisms (bad bugs).They have functions in our body that we know very little about. We don't know much about disruptions to the fungi in our bodies or even how fungi come to live within us. The following excerpts are from a scholarly article summarizing what is known about our fungi or mycobiome. Written by Patrick C. Seed, from the Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine:

The Human Mycobiome

Fungi are fundamental to the human microbiome, the collection of microbes distributed across and within the body... Here, a comprehensive review of current knowledge about the mycobiome, the collective of fungi within the microbiome, highlights methods for its study, diversity between body sites, and dynamics during human development, health, and disease. Early-stage studies show interactions between the mycobiome and other microbes, with host physiology, and in pathogenic and mutualistic phenotypes. Current research portends a vital role for the mycobiome in human health and disease.

In particular, the diversity and dynamics of the so-called mycobiome, the fungi distributed on and within the body, is poorly understood, particularly in light of the considerable association of fungi with infectious diseases and allergy (Walsh and Dixon 1996). Despite being as low as ≤0.1% of the total microbiota (Qin et al. 2010), the fungal constituents of the microbiome may have key roles in maintaining microbial community structure, metabolic function, and immune-priming frontiers, which remain relatively unexplored. Further questions exist as to how fungi interact cooperatively and noncooperatively with nonfungal constituents of the microbiome.

Fungal colonization of the term infant remains poorly characterized. Although it is known that fungi, such as Candida, are prevalent constituents of the vagina through which most infants are delivered, transmission to the newborn is not well documented, and assembly of additional environmental fungi into the microbiome has not been monitored in the otherwise healthy infant.

Although the microbiome of the healthy term infant remains poorly understood, more effort has been placed on understanding fungal colonization of preterm infants. Infants born 8 or more weeks before term and weighing ≤1500 g at birth are at significantly increased risk for invasive fungal disease, primarily with Candida species (spp.) these infants at risk of Candida colonization and infection.

Based on culture-dependent or genus/species-focused culture-independent methods of identification, the fungi of the oral cavity were previously believed to be few and relatively nondiverse. The genera Candida, Saccharomyces, Penicillium,Aspergillus, Scopulariopsis, and Genotrichum were among those previously reported.... In the oral samples from 20 participants, most had ∼15 fungal genera present...To put this level of diversity into context, prior studies have identified more than 50–100 bacterial genera in the healthy oral microbiome.

Of the oral fungal genera noted among each of the healthy subjects from the Ghannoum study (Ghannoum et al. 2010), Candida and Cladosporium were most common, present in 75% and 65% of participants, respectively. Fungal genera associated with local oral and invasive diseases, including Aspergillus,Cryptococcus, Fusarium, and Alternaria were also identified, indicating that these genera are present in the oral microbiome even during a state of health....The discovery of previously unidentified fungi is a reminder that the oral microbiome remains underexplored.

Although the bacterial constituents of the gut-associated microbiome have been intensely studied, the diversity and function of gut-associated fungi is understudied and lags far behind other aspects of microbiome studies.Only recently have larger studies specifically focused on the gut mycobiome been performed. Hoffmann et al. (2013).... from 98 healthy individuals without known gastrointestinal disease. In total, the researchers identified 66 fungal genera with 13 additional taxa for which a genus-level classification was not possible. An estimated 184 species were present in total. Eighty-nine percent of the samples had Saccharomyces present. Candida and Cladosporium were the second and third most prevalent, present in 57% and 42% of samples, respectively. The research was not able to definitively determine whether certain taxa were resident fungal microbota or transient as part of dietary intake.

Mutualism between fungi and humans is generally not well understood and has not been well studied. However, several examples related to the gut microbiome provide evidence of a beneficial relationship. S. boulardii, closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has been studied in controlled trials for the prevention and mitigation of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, including diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile...These studies show the potency of fungi to compete with pathogenic organisms, modify intestinal function, and attenuate inflammation, presumably because of an interaction with the intestinal microbiota....A recent retrospective data review suggested an inverse relationship between Candida and C. difficile, pointing to some common impact of yeast on the gut microbiome and the exclusion of C. difficle outgrowth and/or toxin production (Manian and Bryant 2013).

Humans have a lifelong interaction with complex microbial communities distributed across the body, which fundamentally contributes to the development and physiology of the macro-organism. Only recently has the diversity of fungi within the human microbiome begun to be determined, with early studies showing that, although relatively nonabundant, fungi are diverse within the microbiome as a whole. Although still in the early stage, studies suggest complex interactions between fungal and bacterial constituents of the microbiome.

Microspcopic image of intestinal fungus. Credit: Iliyan Iliev

Every time you inhale, you suck in thousands of microbes. And depending on where you live, the microbes will vary. From Wired:

An Atlas of the Bacteria and Fungi We Breathe Every Day

EVERY TIME YOU inhale, you suck in thousands of microbes. (Yes, even right then. And just then, too.) But which microbes? Scientists mostly assumed that the living components of air—at the tiniest scales, anyway—were the same no matter where you went.

And? Not true, it turns out. Thanks to a 14-month citizen-science project that sampled and analyzed airborne dust around the country, researchers have constructed the first atlas of airborne bacteria and fungi across the continental US. And airborne microscopic life is really diverse.

More than 1,400 volunteers swabbed surfaces in 1,200 houses around the country, focusing on the places people don’t usually clean. The dust there passively collects microbes. In the end those swabs revealed about 112,000 bacterial and 57,000 fungal phylotypes (i.e. familial groups).

Most of these little guys were harmless. The few pathogens and allergens ended up being location-specific. Alternaria, a fungal genus that’s also a common allergen, is ubiquitous but concentrates most in the midwest. The fungus Cladosporium has smaller hotspots scattered all over the country east of Texas, most frequently in the South and Mid-Atlantic. Meanwhile, the bacterial genus Cellulomonas, an normally harmless microbe (but an emerging pathogen according to one study), is much more common in the west.

The two biggest factors that shape this airborne environment, according to study author and University of Colorado microbial ecologist Noah Fierer, are the types of soil and plants that are located in the area (affecting the acidity in the environment), and the climate (humidity, temperature, etc.) Cities, for example, tended to be more like other cities than the rural areas nearby, which Fierer attributes to urban areas tending to plant the same types of trees and flowers and playing host to the same types of wildlife (pigeons, rats, etc).

Clasdosporium is a genus of fungi including some of the most common indoor and outdoor molds. Credit: Wikipedia.

This nice general summary of what scientists know about the microbial community within us was just published by a division of the NIH (National Institutes of Health). Very simple and basic. From the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS):

Facts about our microbial menagerie

Trillions of microorganisms inhabit us -- inside and out. Scientists are surveying these microbial metropolises to learn more about their role in health. Microbiologists Darren Sledjeski of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Andrew Goodman of Yale University share a few details of what researchers have learned so far.

1. The majority of the microbes that inhabit us are bacteria. The rest of the microbial menagerie is fungi and viruses, including ones that infect the bacteria! Collectively, our resident microorganisms are referred to as the human microbiota, and their genomes are called the human microbiome.

2. Our bodies harbor more bacterial cells than human ones. Even so, the microbiota accounts for less than 3 percent of a person's body mass. That's because our cells are up to 10,000 times bigger in volume than bacterial cells.

3. Your collection of bacteria has more genes than you do. Scientists estimate that the genomes of gut bacteria contain 100-fold or more genes than our own genomes. For this reason, the human microbiome is sometimes called our second genome.

4. Most of our microbes are harmless, and some are helpful. For example, harmless microbes on the skin keep infectious microbes from occupying that space. Microbes in the colon break down lactose and other complex carbohydrates that our bodies can't naturally digest.

5. Different microbes occupy different parts of the body. Some skin bacteria prefer the oily nooks near the nose, while others like the dry terrain of the forearm. Bacteria don't all fare well in the same environment and have adapted to live in certain niches.

6. Each person's microbiota is unique. The demographics of microbiota differ among individuals. Diet is one reason. Also, while a type of microbe might be part of one person's normal microbial flora, it might not be part of another's, and could potentially make that person sick.

7. Host-microbial interactions are universal. Microbial communities may vary from person to person, but everyone's got them, including other creatures. For this reason, researchers can use model organisms to tease apart the complexities of host-microbial interactions and develop broad principles for understanding them. The mouse is the most widely used animal model for microbiome studies.

8. The role of microbiota in our health isn't entirely clear. While it's now well accepted that the microbial communities that inhabit us are actively involved in a range of conditions -- from asthma to obesity -- research studies have not yet pinpointed why or how. In other words, the results may suggest that the presence of a bacterial community is associated with a disease, but they don't show cause and effect.

9. Most of our microbes have not been grown in the lab. Microbes require a certain mix of nutrients and other microbes to survive, making it challenging to replicate their natural environments in a petri dish. New culturing techniques are enabling scientists to study previously uncultivated microbes.

10. The impact of probiotic and prebiotic products isn't clear. Fundamental knowledge gaps remain regarding how these products may work and what effects they might have on host-microbial interactions. A new NIH effort to stimulate research in this area is under way.

11. There's even more we don't know! Additional areas of research include studying the functions of microbial genes and the effects of gut microbes on medicines. The more we learn from these and other studies, the more we'll understand how our normal microbiota interacts with us and how to apply that knowledge to promote our health.

Lactobacilli. Credit: Wikipedia.