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The debate over alcohol continues. While drinking alcohol in large amounts is known to cause health problems (e.g., increases risk of cancer), drinking small or moderate amounts is still debated. Some studies say any amount causes harm, but other studies say "not so fast" - moderate drinking is OK and even has benefits (e.g., lower risk of heart attacks and strokes), especially when drunk with a meal.

A recent large study found a benefit to drinking moderate amounts - it is good for cholesterol levels. When nondrinkers started drinking moderately over the course of the study, it raised "good cholesterol" levels and lowered "bad cholesterol" levels. And surprisingly, when moderate drinkers stopped drinking, "bad cholesterol" levels went up and "good cholesterol" levels went down.

"Good cholesterol" is high-density lipoprotein cholesterol or HDL, and "bad cholesterol" is low-density lipoprotein cholesterol or LDL. Changes in cholesterol levels were associated with how much a person started drinking - the more one drank, the better the cholesterol levels. Improvements were better than taking medications! Results with all types of alcohol (wine, beer, spirits) were the same.

From Ars Technica: Large study shows drinking alcohol is good for your cholesterol levels

Drinking alcohol is bad in many ways; raising a glass can raise your risks of various health problems, such as accidental injuries, liver diseases, high blood pressure, and several types of cancers. But, it's not all bad—in fact, it's surprisingly good for your cholesterol levels, according to a study published today in JAMA Network Open. ...continue reading "Drinking Alcohol Is Beneficial For Cholesterol Levels"

Of course scented products (air fresheners, scented candles, scented wax melts, scented oil diffusers, disinfectants, floor cleaners, personal care products) emit air pollution. Study after study has shown that for years.

A recent study further found that scented products release nanoparticles into the air that are breathed in, then travel to the lungs, and eventually to other organs in the body. Scientists say the air inside from using scented products can be worse (more polluted) than the air outside!

Scented products emit chemicals that evaporate easily (these are volatile chemicals or VOCs), which react with indoor ozone, and this generates very tiny airborne nanoparticles. The researchers stated that: "... the indoor atmospheric nanoparticle concentrations from noncombustion-based scented wax melts were similar to those emitted by combustion-based scented candles, gas stoves, diesel engines, and natural gas engines."

And yes, there are long-term health effects from breathing in indoor air pollution, especially on the respiratory tract. Besides respiratory diseases (e.g., asthma, lung effects), there are negative effects on the cardiorespiratory system.

Bottom line: Avoid fragrances and scented products! Avoid scented wax melts! Avoid aromatherapy products! Best is using unscented products. Also, open windows now and then for a few minutes (or more) to air out your home.

From Science Daily: Air inside your home may be more polluted than outside due to everyday chemical products

When you walk through a pine forest, the crisp, fresh scent is one of the first things you notice. ...continue reading "Indoor Air From Scented Products May Be More Polluted Than Outdoor Air"

There is much concern with the amount of highly or ultra-processed foods the typical American eats - over 50% of the calories eaten daily! A very good book about ultra-processed food is Ultra-Processed People, by Dr. Chris van Tulleken. This book discusses the history of ultra-processed foods (e.g., coal to make "synthetic butter" or margarine), the health harms, and why they are such a big part of our diet.

Ultra-processed foods are food products manufactured with all sorts of ingredients (additives) not normally found in our kitchens. Examples of such ingredients are: emulsifiers, carrageenan, mono- and diglycerides, soy lecithin, polysorbate, cellulose, colors, titanium dioxide, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, dextrose, whey protein, nitrates, flavors (artificial and natural), colors, etc.

These ingredients have typically been added to extend shelf-life or manipulate the taste, flavor, or appearance. Ultra-processed foods are "formulations of ingredients" that result from a series of industrial processes (thus "ultra-processed"). Researchers say that "ultra-processed foods are not real food" due to all the modifications and alterations.

One large review of studies (none of which were affiliated with companies producing ultra-processed foods) found that eating ultra-processed foods are linked to over 30 health harms. Some of the health harms: early death, death from heart disease (cardiovascular disease), type 2 diabetes, adverse sleep outcomes, wheezing, cancer (e.g., colorectal cancer), and obesity. In general, the more ultra-processed foods one ate, the higher the risk for harms (a dose-dependent effect).

Chris van Tulleken - Ultra-Processed People. Published by Cornerstone Press in the UK, and W.W. Norton in the US in 2023. Lots of references to back up what he writes.

The US is awash in pesticides - whether used on farms, in homes, on lawns, right-of-ways, on flea collars, etc., etc. They are used for specific reasons (e.g., to kill specific pests or weeds), but they also cause harms. People have more exposure to pesticides than they realize, and this results in health harms, especially to children and during pregnancy.

For example, people are exposed when there is drifting of pesticides to non-target areas when applied, or there is contamination of drinking water, or from the pesticide residues in the foods we eat, touching dogs wearing flea collars, or when children play on treated lawns.

A large study found that exposure to multiple pesticides results in an increased risk of childhood cancers - brain cancer by 36%, leukemia rates by 23%, and overall pediatric cancer rates by 30%. The study was done in Nebraska, the state with the second highest cancer rates. Many scientists, and also researchers of the study, believe this is from extensive use of multiple pesticides on crops.

Unfortunately, the government only looks at exposure to one chemical at a time - not the mixtures we are exposed to on a daily basis. Also, the most toxic pesticides (dicamba, paraquat, glyphosate) are more regulated or banned in Europe, but not in the US. (Remember: $$$ first in the US).

Simple steps you can do to lower your pesticide exposure: 1) Eat as many organic foods as possible. Pesticide levels in the body will rapidly go down. 2) Use non-toxic Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or organic methods for pest problems. 3) Don't use pesticides on the grounds where you live. View lawns as having wildflowers (bee habitats!) and not weeds. 4) Take your shoes off at the door (so you don't track in pesticides). 5) Use some sort of water filter for drinking water if you suspect that there are pesticides in your water.

From The Guardian: Exposure to combination of pesticides increases childhood cancer risk – study

Exposure to multiple pesticides significantly increases the risk of childhood cancers compared with exposures to just one pesticide, first-of-its-kind research finds, raising new fears that children are more at risk to the substances’ harmful effects than previously thought. ...continue reading "Exposures to Pesticides and Childhood Cancer Risk"

It's good to eat and drink dairy foods! Consuming dairy foods is beneficial for the gut microbiome, but each dairy food - whether milk, cheese, or yogurt - appears to have  different effects on the composition of the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria, viruses, fungi).

A recent small study found that consuming higher amounts of dairy foods is beneficial for the gut microbiome, and resulted in a greater variety of bacterial species (this is considered good for health). There was more abundance of the beneficial bacteria Bifidobacterium, a bacteria associated with digestive health and immune support.

Consumption of milk was especially beneficial in boosting a variety of beneficial bacteria (Faecalibacterium) known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Higher amounts of total dairy foods consumed was associated with lower levels of Bacteroides, which are linked to inflammatory conditions and colorectal cancer.

Excerpts from Milk boosts gut-friendly bacteria while cheese alters microbiome balance, study reveals

In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers in the United States explored the influence of dairy consumption on colonic mucosa-associated gut microbiota. By investigating specific bacterial composition changes linked to dairy intake, they highlighted its implications for individual and public health. ...continue reading "Dairy Foods Benefit Our Gut Microbes"

The US uses massive amounts of the pesticide glyphosate (commonly known as Roundup) on farms, the sides of roads, and even by homeowners on their properties. More than 127,000 tons of this weed-killer (herbicide) is used just on US farm fields! But studies, including this recent study, find that glyphosate is also linked to health harms, including lower weights and earlier birth of babies.

The recent research found that increased glyphosate applications on farm fields in the last two decades (especially due to genetically modified crops and preharvest use) has especially impacted pregnancies and babies born in rural areas of the United States. That is, pregnant women in farm areas are the most impacted by glyphosate - it's not just used on the fields nearby (they get exposed from pesticide drift), but also in the non-organic foods that they eat. Lower birthweights are generally considered a predictor of health problems (and higher health care costs).

Evidence for health harms from glyphosate are increasing each year, such as an increased risk of cancer (e.g., non-Hodgkin lymphoma), premature births, endocrine disruption, and even disruptions of the gut microbiome (it kills beneficial microbes in the gut, including such important keystone bacteria as Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.) The percentage of people with glyphosate detected in their urine, and the amount (concentration) has been rising over time. It can now be detected in almost all of us, including children.

By the way, the US allows much higher levels of glyphosate residue on foods than countries in other parts of the world, including Europe. But in Brazil it's even worse with levels much higher than in the US, and with higher rates of childhood cancer and infant mortality.

Organic food production does not allow the use of glyphosate. To lower glyphosate levels in your body - increase the amount  of organic foods that you eat.

Excerpts from Science: Common weed killer may be harming infants

Babies in rural counties of the United States that use a common weed killer are born slightly earlier and underweight, a large study finds. These changes, although small on average, could result in learning disabilities and an increased risk of infection, researchers reported last week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, resulting in more than $1 billion in health care costs nationwide each year. ...continue reading "Study Finds Common Pesticide Has Effect On Pregnancies and Babies"

Carrot juice Credit: Wikipedia

A few days of a juice only diet is viewed by many as healthy, and a good way to cleanse the body. But... a recent study found that this is not true for the gut microbiome (the community of fungi, bacteria, and viruses), which is so important to our health. A vegetable and fruit juice only diet, even if it's only for three days, is unhealthier than juice plus whole foods, or only whole-plant foods diet.

The juice only diet promoted the growth of bacterial species in the gut that are linked to gut permeability, inflammation, and cognitive decline. The juice only diet also resulted in changes in the saliva and cheek microbiota (microbiome), especially an increase in pro-inflammatory bacteria. The researchers thought these changes were due to the low fiber intake of the juice only diet.

This is because fiber feeds the beneficial bacteria (linked to good health) in the gut. Juices are low in fiber, but whole fruits and vegetables are high in fiber (as are whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes).

Participants in the study were divide into 3 groups. Each group followed one diet (juice only, juice + food, or whole plant based foods only) for three days. Bacteria in the mouth (saliva and cheek swabs) and gut (through stool samples) were analyzed before, during, and after.

Before participants followed one of the 3 diets, they first followed an elimination diet for 3 days: organic fresh fruits, vegetables, gluten-free whole grains, eggs, and 8 glasses of water a day. No alcohol, caffeine, sugar, processed foods, dairy, red meat, and gluten (e.g., wheat, rye, barley, spelt). This diet also had beneficial changes in the gut microbiome with increased numbers of bacteria linked to good health, for example, an increase in the gut bacteria Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.

From Medical Xpress: Juicing may harm your health in just 3 days, study finds

Think your juice cleanse is making you healthier? A new Northwestern University study suggests it might be doing the opposite. The study, recently published in Nutrients, found that a vegetable and fruit juice-only diet—even for just three days—can trigger shifts in gut and oral bacteria linked to inflammation and cognitive decline. ...continue reading "A Juice Only Diet Is Not Good For the Gut Microbiome"

Hair salon Credit: Wikipedia

Hairdressers are exposed to lots of harmful airborne chemicals in the products they and others use in hair salons. And it's every day they work, all day. A recent study found that the chemical exposure is especially high for hair stylists serving Black and Latina clients.

The airborne chemicals from the products hairdressers use (e.g., straighteners, relaxers, chemicals in permanents, hair dyes, sprays) are called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). They are air pollutants. These chemicals can pose health risks, such as reproductive effects, respiratory problems, cardiovascular effects, cancer, and skin and respiratory irritation. One common VOC hairdressers are exposed to is formaldehyde.

The study found that the level of VOCs in the air was much, much lower in office spaces not connected to the hair salons. Of course.

From Medical Xpress: Hairstylists serving Black and Latina clients exposed to high concentrations of airborne toxins

Hairstylists, especially those providing services to Black and Latina women, are exposed to high concentrations of harmful airborne chemicals in their workplace, a team of Johns Hopkins researchers has found.

The study, published in the Journal of Environmental Exposure Assessment, is the first to report indoor air concentrations of several volatile organic compounds or VOCs in U.S. hair salons serving this group of women. This builds on previous Johns Hopkins research that found Black and Hispanic hairdressers had higher levels of chemicals from hair relaxers, dyes, and other salon products in their bodies compared to office workers but did not specifically measure air concentrations of the chemicals. ...continue reading "Hair Stylists Are Exposed to High Levels of Harmful Airborne Chemicals"

Over the course of the past decade, while reading many, many studies and articles about the FDA and EPA (you know, the government agencies meant to protect us) I have become cynical. And depressed. The agencies are not doing a good job protecting ordinary people (us), especially from endocrine disruptors and pesticides. There is too much corruption and too much money involved, with the bottom line being that Big Business is protected and does as it wants.

One example is why paraquat is still used in the US. This pesticide is a weed-killer that researchers link to a wide variety of diseases, including Parkinson's disease. It is widely used in the US, but banned in more than 70 countries. The EPA won't take action, and keeps saying the evidence for harms is "weak" and "insufficient", and they'll have to reassess the pesticide. But neuroscientists say:

“We know from animal work—and this is convincing and consistent—that paraquat isn’t safe,” says Bas Bloem, a neurologist at Radboud University Medical Center. The compound can pass from the bloodstream to the brain, he notes, and kills dopaminergic neurons, the loss of which drives Parkinson’s; indeed, paraquat is used to create laboratory animals with Parkinson-like disease. It also enhances the buildup of a misfolded, toxic version of the protein alpha-synuclein that’s a hallmark of the disease."

This relationship between Big Business (Big $$) was summed up by Dr. Theo Colborn back in 2014: “Our government operates via the stakeholder approach,” says (Theo) Colborn, “where those who are creating the problem are invited to solve the problem.”  Yup.

Plastic duck containing endocrine disruptors

Theo Colborn was an absolutely amazing person. She is the main reason that endocrine disruptors are even being discussed these days. [Go read Our Stolen Future, published in 1997]. And, of course, Big Business (Big $$) went after her. But she (and others) persisted, and nowadays endocrine disruptors are taken very seriously by researchers and the general public.

Some good resources for up-to-date information about endocrine disruptors and pesticides: Collaborative About Health and the Environment (CHE) (up-to-date research, including research webinars), Silent Spring Institute, Environmental Working Group (EWG), PFAS Central, Beyond Pesticides (including their Daily News Blog), and Environmental Health News (EHN). ...continue reading "When Will Our Government Protect Us From Endocrine Disruptors and Harmful Pesticides?"

Well, well... this is not a surprise. 2024 was the hottest year since temperature records began in 1850. And the second hottest year on record was 2023.

Unfortunately, this also means that we exceeded the goal of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 degrees C that was agreed to at the Paris Agreement in 2016. Remember that agreement? The goal was to keep temperature increases to no more than 1.5 degrees C over pre-industrial temperatures (as defined by the 1850 - 1900 average). But last year was 1.6 degrees C over pre-industrial levels.

It's been 48 years since the last time the world had a cooler year than average year. You can thank rising greenhouse emissions for the overall upward trend in heat.

Sooo....what will 2025 be like? Stay tuned.

Excerpts from Ars Technica: Everyone agrees: 2024 the hottest year since the thermometer was invented

Over the last 24 hours or so, the major organizations that keep track of global temperatures have released figures for 2024, and all of them agree: 2024 was the warmest year yet recorded, joining 2023 as an unusual outlier in terms of how rapidly things heated up. At least two of the organizations, the European Union's Copernicus and Berkeley Earth, place the year at about 1.6° C above pre-industrial temperatures, marking the first time that the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5° has been exceeded. ...continue reading "Last Year Was the Warmest Year Since Global Records Began in 1850"