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Another study finding health benefits from eating yogurt - that men and women with hypertension who eat at least 2 servings or more per week of yogurt were at a lower risk of having a heart attack (myocardial infarction) and stroke. Women also had a lower risk of a revascularization procedure (such as a coronary ...continue reading "Eating Yogurt Associated With Lower Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke"

A recent study found that significantly increasing  dietary fiber intake after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer was associated with a lower death rate - from both colorectal cancer and overall mortality (from any cause). The 1575 men and women (all healthcare professionals) in the study had received a nonmetastatic colorectal cancer diagnosis (it had not ...continue reading "Definitely Increase Fiber Intake After A Colon Cancer Diagnosis"

A major new report about colorectal cancer found that a number of lifestyle factors (diet, physical activity) increase or lower the risk of colorectal cancer. The report was an analysis of global research studies and was published by the American Institute for Cancer Research and World Cancer Research Fund. They found that there is strong evidence that: ...continue reading "How to Decrease the Risk of Colorectal Cancer"

Lately more and more research has been finding health benefits with frequent consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). It is also a basic part of the popular Mediterranean diet - which emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes (beans), whole grains, some fish, and extra virgin olive oil. Now a study conducted by investigators ...continue reading "Is Olive Oil Good For The Aging Brain?"

 Chocolate lovers can rejoice - because another study, which was actually a review of other studies - found that frequent consumption of chocolate, cocoa, and cocoa flavanols (an ingredient of cocoa) is linked with beneficial health effects. These included cardiovascular benefits, and dose-dependent improvements in cognition, attention, and memory. In other words - the more frequently one ...continue reading "Did You Have Some Chocolate Today?"

  Depression treated by ordinary over-the-counter magnesium? A recent small study (112 people) found that 6 weeks of taking magnesium chloride (four 500 mg tablets daily) improved mild to moderate depression - and it improved it similarly in both those who were not taking any antidepressant medications and those taking antidepressants. Positive effects were seen within ...continue reading "Magnesium Supplementation For Depression?"

Uh-oh... looks like any benefits of moderate alcohol consumption may not extend to the brain, at least in men. A  recent study found that moderate alcohol consumption over the course of a 30 years was associated with increased odds of hippocampal atrophy (brain damage in the hippocampus of the brain) - when compared to abstainers. ...continue reading "Moderate Drinking Associated With Harm to the Brain"

Gout is something that is not discussed that much, but it has been increasing in recent years and now afflicts about  3.9% of adults in the US. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis, characterized by recurrent attacks of pain, tenderness, and swelling of a joint, frequently the joint of the big toe. It is caused by ...continue reading "Could Changing Your Diet Prevent Gout?"

 Nice research that basically says: food is medicine. In other words, eat lots of whole grains and legumes (beans) for gut health - to feed the beneficial microbes in your gut and prevent (hopefully) colon cancer. While the clinical trial studied colorectal cancer survivors and the effects of 4 weeks of adding rice bran or ...continue reading "Eat Lots of Fiber For Gut Health"

Is this really a surprise to anyone at this point? According to a recent study: Almost half of all deaths in the United States in 2012 that were caused by cardiometabolic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, have been linked to "suboptimal diets" - that is, to eating poorly and so not getting ...continue reading "Many Heart Disease, Stroke, and Type 2 Diabetes Deaths Linked to Diet"