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Well, well, well...small American organic farms get crushed again. A hazelnut famer sued on behalf of himself and other organic farmers regarding the fact that organic imported foods don't have to meet all the organic requirements that American grown organic foods have to meet. Things like inspections, bookkeeping, and evidence that the foods grown are actually organic.

The judge threw out the lawsuit after the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) challenged it. The federal judge said that American organic farmers were not being economically hurt. Hah! Think about it - do consumers pick the more expensive American grown organic or the cheaper foreign product? Consumers buy the cheaper product. And soon stores start to just carry the cheaper products.

The lack of oversight and not having to meet American organic standards (USDA organic seal) is why so many of the "organic" food imports aren't actually organic, and why they are so cheap compared to American organic foods. Several countries are especially notorious in flooding the American market with fake organic foods, such as China and Turkey.

Bottom line: Imported so-called organic foods don't have to meet federal requirements that American small organic farms have to meet. Buyer beware.

From Organic Eye (an investigative non-profit): USDA Lawyers Successfully Challenge Standing in Lawsuit — Turkish Hazelnut Processor’s Fraudulent Activities ‘Do Not Place US Organic Farmers at a Competitive Disadvantage’

A federal judge has found in favor of arguments made by USDA lawyers and dismissed a lawsuit brought by an Oregon hazelnut grower who claimed he, along with other US organic farmers, was being competitively injured by imports that are allowed into this country from farms that haven’t been certified and inspected as federal law requires. ...continue reading "Small Organic Farms Get Crushed Again"

Many people in densely populated towns very close to New York City were surprised that they could see the aurora borealis last night. It's usually hard to even see stars because of the light pollution.

Not the spectacular views seen in northern states, but still beautiful.


Reduce how much sitting you do each day, by getting off your butt and moving around more. Even if it's just one hour per day. That's what research tells us in how to prevent back pain from worsening in overweight adults.

A study conducted in Finland found that reducing how much an overweight person sits daily is enough to prevent the worsening of back pain. Study participants (64 overweight or obese adults with metabolic syndrome) were assigned to either of 2 groups: 1) the intervention group where the goal was to reduce sitting (sedentary) time by one hour each day, or 2) the control group that did not change their daily sitting (sedentary) time.

People in the control group (who did not decrease daily sitting time) significantly increased back pain intensity over the 6 months, while the group that sat less each day experienced no change in back pain.

Other studies support the role of walking in preventing back pain episodes.

From Science Daily: Reducing daily sitting may prevent back pain

A new study from the University of Turku in Finland showed that reducing daily sitting prevented back pain from worsening over six months. The result strengthens the current understanding of the link between activity and back pain as well as the mechanisms related to back pain. ...continue reading "Reduce Back Pain By Sitting Less and Moving More"

Farm  Credit: Wikipedia

People everywhere are dismayed by the sheer quantity and number of "forever chemicals" that contaminate our environment and our bodies. Unfortunately, we all have forever chemicals (PFOS, PFAS) in us (but in varying amounts). It turns out that the US government played a role in the forever chemicals found in our food, and why so many farms are now forever contaminated.

Decades ago, the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) started encouraging the use of biosolids or black sludge (the sludge that is left over at wastewater treatment plants) as a fertilizer on farms in the United States. That the use of this biosolid sludge could cause problems and harms has been known for decades.

The sludge contains heavy metals and PFOS and PFAS chemicals (forever chemicals because they bioaccumulate and persist in the environment). The chemicals are linked to all sorts of health harms (e.g., cancers, reproductive problems). [Note: We are exposed to forever chemicals in many products and in the environment daily.]

Well.... of course, applying this sludge across farms has now resulted in persistent contamination of both the soil and water at those farms, but also in the animals being raised on those farms. Estimates are up to a fifth of farms are contaminated. And yet the EPA still feels this practice of applying contaminated sludge is OK!!!

Very few mass media articles actually discuss the government's role in contaminating farms (and in this way our food). So the following 2 articles were a pleasant surprise - horrifying to read, but all true.

Bottom line: Eat as much organic food, or what you grew yourself, as much as possible. The biosolid sludge is not allowed on organic farms. Also, when buying top soil (dirt) or fertilizer for your garden, avoid any product that says "biosolids" in it. (e.g., Milorganite  - known to contain PFAS and PFOS) Buy organic soil and fertilizer, if you can.

Until recently, very few mass media articles actually discussed the government's role in contaminating farms (and in this way our food). So the following 2 articles are horrifying to read, but all true.

(1) Excerpts from the New York Times: Something’s Poisoning America’s Land. Farmers Fear ‘Forever’ Chemicals.

For decades, farmers across America have been encouraged by the federal government to spread municipal sewage on millions of acres of farmland as fertilizer. It was rich in nutrients, and it helped keep the sludge out of landfills.

But a growing body of research shows that this black sludge, made from the sewage that flows from homes and factories, can contain heavy concentrations of chemicals thought to increase the risk of certain types of cancer and to cause birth defects and developmental delays in children.

Known as “forever chemicals” because of their longevity, these toxic contaminants are now being detected, sometimes at high levels, on farmland across the country, including in Texas, Maine, Michigan, New York and Tennessee. In some cases the chemicals are suspected of sickening or killing livestock and are turning up in produce. Farmers are beginning to fear for their own health.

(2) Excerpts from Yahoo News: Startling investigation exposes mountains of toxic sludge threatening America's food chain: 'People are scared to death'

A fertilizer used for decades by U.S. farms contains toxic chemicals that are being blamed for halting agricultural operations, killing animals, and endangering our food supply. ...continue reading "The Government’s Role In Why Many Farms Are Contaminated With Forever Chemicals"

Intestines Credit: Wikipedia

A number of things can contribute to the development of colorectal cancer (colon cancer), such as highly processed foods, eating a Western diet low in fiber, or the bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum. These are known to contribute to or result in the gut microbiome being out of whack (gut dysbiosis).

Another factor is perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), which are chemicals we all are exposed to in everyday life. A recent study illustrated how long-term exposure to PFOS can also contribute to the development of colorectal cancer because of the effect it has on intestinal cells in the intestines.

PFAS and PFOS (Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are called forever chemicals due to their buildup (bioaccumulation) and persistence in people and the environment. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).

They are widely used chemicals, such as in non-stick coatings (e.g., pots and pans) and stain and water repellent products. We get exposure to these chemicals various ways - through ingestion (food and water), inhalation (dust), and from absorption through the skin (e.g., personal care products).

They are in all of us at varying levels, and they have harmful health effects. Effects include cancer, reproductive harm (e.g., poorer semen quality), birth defects, lowered sex and growth hormones in children, thyroid disease, immune effects, and liver and kidney damage. They are endocrine disruptors.

The chemical industry would have you think that the newer PFAS chemicals that replace the older ones are "safer", but guess what? They're not. They're very similar chemically, so it shouldn't be surprising that they don't appear to be safer.

Bottom line: You can't totally avoid PFAS chemicals, but you can lower your exposure to them. If possible, avoid products that are water and stain proof or leak-proof, especially if children will be using the product. Don't use nonstick cookware, stain resistant carpeting and fabrics, clothing treated to be water-proof, and synthetic turf. PFAS and PFOS don't have to be mentioned on labels, so it's buyer beware.

From Medical Xpress: Study links 'forever chemical' PFOS with colorectal cancer

A recent University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center study sheds light on how the environmental pollutant perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) may affect our intestines and possibly increase the risk of developing colorectal cancer. ...continue reading "Forever Chemicals Are Linked To Colorectal Cancer"

Recently, another well done study of vitamin D and cancer resulted in disappointing results. Vitamin D supplements showed no benefit in persons with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC). It did not result in a difference in overall survival outcomes.

In the study, 455 patients with metastatic colorectal cancer were assigned randomly to either high daily vitamin D3 or standard dose vitamin D3, in addition to receiving standard chemotherapy. The high dose vitamin D group received a loading dose of 8000 IU per day for 2 weeks, followed by a maintenance dose of 4000 IU per day until the end of the study. The standard dose vitamin D group received 400 IU per day.

However, there was no difference in "significant progression-free survival benefit". There also was no significant difference in how long people survived in the 2 groups (a median of 25.6 months in the high-dose group, and 27.0 months in the standard dose group).

The study results were disappointing because in laboratory studies vitamin D has anticancer properties. Critics of this study pointed out that vitamin D supplementation may have a role in cancer prevention - but at this point, that is unknown.

From Medscape: High-Dose Vitamin D Disappoints in Metastatic CRC: SOLARIS

The addition of high-dose vitamin D supplementation to standard chemotherapy plus bevacizumab did not result in a significant progression-free survival benefit in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) in the SOLARIS study. ...continue reading "Another Vitamin D Study With Disappointing Results"

We all have some pesticide residues in our body, and the levels vary. One way that people are exposed to pesticides is from the foods they eat, specifically non-organic foods. Pesticides that people are exposed to can be measured in the blood and urine. 

A recent review of 72 scientific studies found that people who eat an organic diet have lower pesticide levels in their urine. (Other pesticide exposures are from the environment around us, for example, garden and lawn pesticides.)

The study authors specifically looked at pesticide residues and metabolites of common pesticides such as organophosphates, pyrethroids, 2,4-D, and glyphosate. The most commonly mentioned pesticide residue was from pyrethroids, with 34% of studies finding it in urine. Keep in mind that only a limited number of pesticide residues were looked for. In reality, people are exposed to many more in life, including from non-organic foods that they eat.

Looking at the studies, the researchers found a massive reduction in pesticide residues when an organic diet is adopted. For example, phenol and phosphonate herbicide levels drop 41% to 100% in the studies, and pyrethroid metabolites dropped 16% to 100% [Note: each study had different drops in pesticide residues.]

And yes, you want lower levels of pesticide residues in your body for health reasons. For example, pyrethroids have been associated with numerous health harms, including cancer, endocrine disruption, and reproductive effects.

Bottom line: To lower pesticide levels in your body, eat as many organic foods as possible.

Excerpts from Beyond Pesticides: Review of Pesticide Residues In Urine, Lower Concentrations With Organic Diet

 A literature review, published this month in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, explores levels of pesticide residues found in samples of human urine with environmental exposure and dietary intake and confirms prior findings about the benefits of an organic diet. Similar to past findings, lower concentrations of chemicals are detected in the urine of participants who report eating an organic diet. ...continue reading "Eating Organic Foods Lowers Pesticide Levels In the Body"

For several years I've been reporting on the effects of pesticides on bees. Yes, it's all bad because pesticides kill bees. Commonly used pesticides such as pyrethroids that many view as "safe" kill bees. Pyrethroids are broad spectrum insect killers, which means they kill both beneficial bees and other pollinators, as well as potentially harmful insects (mosquitos).

A recent study confirmed that pesticides are a major reason that wild bee populations are significantly down in the US. The researchers found that bee species are about 43% down in areas of heavy pesticide use. They singled out pesticides (insecticides) such as neonicotinoids and pyrethroids as drivers of this bee species reduction. They pointed out that using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) or organic methods would help reduce pesticide use and so help with bee species populations.

This means that businesses (e.g., Mosquito Joe) that apply long-lasting pyrethroids throughout suburban yards and hedges in the US are contributing directly to bee species reduction.

Other studies found that applying pesticides (no matter what kind) to lawns destroys bee populations and reduces the number of bee species. Think of lawns that are not treated with pesticides as having wildflowers, not weeds. These are bee habitats!

From Environmental Health News (EHN): Pesticides may be contributing to the disappearance of bees across the US

A recent study published in Nature Sustainability found that pesticide use may be a major factor in the decline of bee populations within the United States. ...continue reading "Pesticides Are Contributing To Bee Declines"

Something surprising: People with multiple sclerosis don't develop Alzheimer's disease - even if it runs in the family. New research suggests that multiple sclerosis may protect a person from Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers found that the more typical the multiple sclerosis development and symptoms in the person, the less likely they were to have amyloid plaque accumulation in the brain. Amyloid plaques in the brain are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease.

Accumulation of plaques is generally viewed as the first step that leads to cognitive decline and ultimately Alzheimer's disease.

From Futurity: Multiple Sclerosis May Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease

People with multiple sclerosis are far less likely than those without the condition to have the molecular hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease, according to new research.

The discovery suggests a new avenue of research through which to seek Alzheimer’s treatments, says Matthew Brier, an assistant professor of neurology and of radiology at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and the study’s first author. ...continue reading "Persons With Multiple Sclerosis Don’t Get Alzheimer’s Disease"

The bacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum is prevalent in periodontal disease (gum disease), but also in some chronic diseases and cancers, such as colorectal cancer. The bacteria F. nucleatum is normally found in the mouth (oral) microbiome, and its numbers increase as periodontal disease inflammation increases.

It is thought that sometimes the bacteria leaves the mouth and travels to other parts of the body, where it can promote cancer and other diseases.

A recent study found that the antibiotic FP 100 (Hygromycin A) totally eliminates the F. nucleatum bacteria in the mouth, and without causing harm to the mouth microbiome or gut microbiome. This is because it is a narrow spectrum antibiotic - only targets the harmful bacteria, and not all (both good and harmful) bacteria. While the study was only done in mice, this is promising and welcome news.

Eliminating the harmful bacteria in the mouth would potentially prevent some chronic diseases and cancers. Now we need further studies to see if this finding holds up in humans.

From Medical Xpress: First narrow-spectrum antibiotic successfully eliminates  Fusobacterium nucleatum, a gum disease pathogen

In a study published in the Journal of Oral Microbiology, ADA Forsyth scientists found that FP 100 (Hygromycin A), a first-in-class, small molecule, narrow-spectrum antibiotic, successfully eradicates Fusobacterium nucleatum without harming the oral or gut microbiomes. ...continue reading "A Promising Antibiotic For Gum Disease"