More worrisome news about high-fructose corn syrup. Researchers found that high fructose corn syrup actually speeds up and fuels the growth of cancer tumors in animals who already have cancer.
While this study was done in mice (with either breast cancer, melanoma, or cervical cancer), it is actually a scary finding because so many foods that Americans ingest daily contain high-fructose corn syrup. It is a sugar derived from corn starch and found in many foods: baked goods, soda, fast food, cereals, ice cream, etc. If you see it in an ingredient list, it means it is an ultra-processed food.
Bottom line: Read food ingredient lists and try to avoid eating foods with high-fructose corn syrup.
Excerpts from US Right To Know: High-fructose corn syrup fuels tumor growth in animals with cancer, a new study shows
High-fructose corn syrup, a sweetener commonly used in soda and ultra-processed foods, accelerates cancer tumor growth via the liver, according to research published last week [Dec. 4, 2024] in Nature.
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sugar derived from corn starch. High fructose intake has been shown to contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and obesity, both of which are associated with systemic inflammation and altered lipid metabolism (the way the body processes fats). It has also been linked to diabetes, heart disease, and colorectal cancer. ...continue reading "Another Reason to Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup"