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Kitchen spatula Credit: Wikipedia

If you already suspected that we are surrounded by toxic chemicals in our homes - yes, your suspicions are true. A new study found that toxic flame retardants are in many household items that we use daily, specifically black plastic items (e.g., kitchen utensils, toys, takeout containers). That's because black plastic items tend to include recycled plastics.

In the study the researchers tested 230 store-bought items in the Seattle area for flame retardants, and found flame retardants in 85% of them. All the tested items were of black plastic or had black plastic somewhere in them (e.g., underside of  toy cars). Showing that the flame retardants are pervasive, the 10 items with the highest levels of flame retardants were a sushi tray, toy car, peeler, travel checkers set, toy beads, and other kitchen utensils.

The problem with recycled plastics is that much of it comes from plastic that originally had flame retardants and other toxic chemicals added to it, for example electronics and electric products. When these recycled plastics are added to ordinary household items, the original toxic chemicals are in them, and now the consumer gets exposed to them. For example, in food utensils, toys, takeout containers, office supplies, and more. These items do NOT need flame retardants in them.

The study found that up to 2.3% of the weight of the household products were flame retardants. Some of the chemicals they found have been phased out, but are still winding up in recycled plastic. Studies show that flame retardants migrate from cooking utensils into food, and from toys into saliva. These chemicals are linked to cancers, endocrine and reproductive problems, and other health problems. Also, they tend to bioaccumulate in the environment and in people. Yikes!

Bottom line: At this point try to avoid black plastic items or items with some black plastic, especially in toys, food containers, and kitchen/household products. Right now view all "recycled plastic" items as problematic and to be avoided.

From Medical Xpress: From kitchenware to toys, household items linked to toxic flame retardants

From toys to kitchenware to food takeout trays, researchers have discovered a toxic chemical banned for its link to cancer in many common household items. Exposure to the flame retardant can come with serious health risks. ...continue reading "Many Household Items Contaminated With Flame Retardants"

Warehouse loading dock Credit: Wikipedia

Something that makes sense, but developers will probably deny: The air in communities by large warehouses is more polluted than elsewhere, and this pollution can even be detected from satellites in space (satellite data)!

Researchers examined nitrogen dioxide levels around 149,075 warehouses in the U.S. They found that communities with warehouses were exposed to an average of 17.9% more nitrogen dioxide than other communities. Of course, other chemicals are also released from diesel truck engines, but the other chemicals were not looked at.

Of course, people living near these huge warehouses already know that the presence of warehouses have an impact on air quality and therefore health. Think of all the truck traffic that goes along with the warehouses. Some big health effects: increase in asthma, other respiratory diseases, and even premature death.

One big way air pollution around warehouses can be reduced is the use of electric vehicles and trucks (instead of polluting diesel engines), and to have monitoring of gases and chemicals released from the buildings. (Right now there is very little oversight).

Several sources for this story (including the original from Milken Institute School of Public Health) are below:

Yahoo News: Experts raise concerns over new findings from NASA-backed study on Earth's atmosphere: 'Our findings are ... significant'

People living in communities with warehouses can breathe in 17.9% more toxic nitrogen dioxide on average than those not near them, according to a recent study. ...continue reading "Warehouses Increase Air Pollution In Nearby Communities"

For years it has been known that former professional football players are at risk for chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). A recent survey of almost 2000 former NFL football players found that 34% believe they have CTE. This is a third of former players! There is no cure or treatment for CTE.

CTE is a degenerative brain disease caused by repeated by concussions and repeated blows to the head. Symptoms reported by former NFL players (average age 57.7 years) who thought they had CTE included: depression, cognitive difficulties, mental health problems, and thoughts of suicide. Frequent thoughts of suicide was strongly linked with thinking they may have CTE.

It is unknown how many of the former football players surveyed actually have CTE because it can only be diagnosed after death (by examining the brain). No one knows at this time how many football players will go on to develop CTE.

Excerpts from NPR: A third of former NFL players surveyed believe they have CTE, researchers find

One-third of former professional football players reported in a new survey that they believe they have the degenerative brain disease known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE.

The research, published Monday in the medical journal JAMA Neurology, represents one of the broadest surveys to date of former NFL players' perception of their cognitive health and how widely they report symptoms linked to CTE, which is thought to be caused by concussions and repeated hits to the head. ...continue reading "Survey Found That A Third of Former NFL Players Think They Have CTE"

Mammography image Credit: National Cancer Institute

Women have been advised by their doctors to get frequent mammograms for decades. However, what if frequent (e.g., annual) mammograms result in an increased risk for breast cancer due to exposure to X-rays? After all, there is a cumulative dose from the mammograms - year after year you get exposed to a little ionizing radiation, but it builds up over time.

Dr. Seth Hardy (radiologist and Associate Professor at Penn State Univ.) discusses this issue, while referencing research by Dr. Daniel Corcos about the possibility of some breast cancers occurring from the cumulative radiation from previous mammograms. This is because radiation is a carcinogen (can cause cancer).  [NOTE: studies find that over the years breast cancer treatments have so improved that any benefits of mammography screening are diminished.]

From Dr. Seth Hardy, writing at Sensible Medicine: The Ethics of Screening Mammography

The value of breast cancer screening with mammography is increasingly being questioned. Women are trying to decide what is right for them and the USPSTF is trying to decide what is worthy of reimbursement. Currently, the medical literature is at a stalemate.[1]1 ...

Screening mammography uses ionizing radiation, a known carcinogen. The dose of radiation in each exam is very low, but exposure is cumulative. Also, the absorbed dose varies with the density of the breast. Women with more glandular tissue receive a higher exposure. Thus, over decades of screening, radiation exposure may not be trivial, particularly in women with extremely dense breasts

Across a population there is some percentage of breast cancers which are caused by screening mammography. The exact number is the subject of debate and not well studied. One article from 2011 approximates 86 cancers and 11 deaths per 100,000 women due to breast cancer screening. Another paper estimates 20-25 fatalities for 100,000 women screened starting at age 40. Due to lack of data, and ethical limitations in obtaining more data, we do not know how many breast cancers are caused by screening. ...continue reading "Can Mammograms Increase Risk of Breast Cancer?"

Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Ever notice that deodorants, lotion, body spray, shampoo, and other personal care products can be smelled in the air long after they have been used? Well... this is because they leave behind a mixture (cocktail) of all sorts of chemicals in the air. Researchers found that a mixture of over 200 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are released into the air when these personal care products are used.

These chemicals lower air quality - so they are causing indoor air pollution. New harmful chemicals and particles can even be formed. And yes, these chemicals are then breathed in by us - so they get into our lungs and our bloodstream. They are not healthy for us, but we don't know the full range of long-term effects from constantly breathing in polluted air.

Some examples of the many chemicals released into the air (VOCs) by personal care products are monoterpenes (from added fragrances), acetaldehyde, alcohols, glycols, siloxanes, and alkanes. Monoterpenes are known to be damaging to lung when inhaled.

Bottom line: Open windows, ventilate indoor spaces as much as possible, use air cleaners or purifiers, and use unscented personal care products as much as possible. Also, try to use fewer personal care products.

From (a science and technology site): How personal care products affect indoor air quality

The personal care products we use on a daily basis significantly affect indoor air quality, according to new research by a team at EPFL. When used indoors, these products release a cocktail of more than 200 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, and when those VOCs come into contact with ozone, the chemical reactions that follow can produce new compounds and particles that may penetrate deep into our lungs. Scientists don't yet know how inhaling these particles on a daily basis affects our respiratory health. ...continue reading "Personal Care Products Are A Source of Indoor Air Pollution"

Once again, another study found that being exposed to pesticides has harmful health effects. Of all sorts. A recent study found that pregnant women exposed to certain pesticides increases the risk of a stillbirth. In this case, exposure means living near (less than 1/3 mile) where certain pesticides have been used.

The pesticides linked to increased stillbirths when exposed to in the pre-conception period were: cyfluthrin (a pyrethroid), zeta-cypermethrin (a pyrethroid), pyrethroids as a class, organophosphates as a class, malathion, carbaryl and propamocarb hydrochloride. Exposure in the first trimester of pregnancy to the following pesticides were associated with stillbirths: fenpropathrin (a pyrethroid), permethrin (a pyrethroid), organophosphates as a class, acephate and formetanate hydrochloride.

This means living near a non-organic farm has increased risks to pregnancy and the baby, including stillbirth. Note that some of these are also commonly used residential pesticides, such as pyrethroids (used as insecticides, and especially by mosquito and tick services).  We shouldn't be surprised when pesticides applied to kill living things (e.g., insects) also have harmful effects on developing babies (also alive). [Some studies showing harmful effects of pesticides on pregnancy and the developing fetus (baby).]

From Medical Xpress: Pesticide exposure linked to stillbirth risk in new study

Living less than about one-third of a mile from pesticide use prior to conception and during early pregnancy could increase the risk of stillbirths, according to new research led by researchers at the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health and Southwest Environmental Health Sciences Center. ...continue reading "Some Pesticides Linked to Increased Risk of Stillbirth"

Well, well, well...small American organic farms get crushed again. A hazelnut famer sued on behalf of himself and other organic farmers regarding the fact that organic imported foods don't have to meet all the organic requirements that American grown organic foods have to meet. Things like inspections, bookkeeping, and evidence that the foods grown are actually organic.

The judge threw out the lawsuit after the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) challenged it. The federal judge said that American organic farmers were not being economically hurt. Hah! Think about it - do consumers pick the more expensive American grown organic or the cheaper foreign product? Consumers buy the cheaper product. And soon stores start to just carry the cheaper products.

The lack of oversight and not having to meet American organic standards (USDA organic seal) is why so many of the "organic" food imports aren't actually organic, and why they are so cheap compared to American organic foods. Several countries are especially notorious in flooding the American market with fake organic foods, such as China and Turkey.

Bottom line: Imported so-called organic foods don't have to meet federal requirements that American small organic farms have to meet. Buyer beware.

From Organic Eye (an investigative non-profit): USDA Lawyers Successfully Challenge Standing in Lawsuit — Turkish Hazelnut Processor’s Fraudulent Activities ‘Do Not Place US Organic Farmers at a Competitive Disadvantage’

A federal judge has found in favor of arguments made by USDA lawyers and dismissed a lawsuit brought by an Oregon hazelnut grower who claimed he, along with other US organic farmers, was being competitively injured by imports that are allowed into this country from farms that haven’t been certified and inspected as federal law requires. ...continue reading "Small Organic Farms Get Crushed Again"

Many people in densely populated towns very close to New York City were surprised that they could see the aurora borealis last night. It's usually hard to even see stars because of the light pollution.

Not the spectacular views seen in northern states, but still beautiful.


Reduce how much sitting you do each day, by getting off your butt and moving around more. Even if it's just one hour per day. That's what research tells us in how to prevent back pain from worsening in overweight adults.

A study conducted in Finland found that reducing how much an overweight person sits daily is enough to prevent the worsening of back pain. Study participants (64 overweight or obese adults with metabolic syndrome) were assigned to either of 2 groups: 1) the intervention group where the goal was to reduce sitting (sedentary) time by one hour each day, or 2) the control group that did not change their daily sitting (sedentary) time.

People in the control group (who did not decrease daily sitting time) significantly increased back pain intensity over the 6 months, while the group that sat less each day experienced no change in back pain.

Other studies support the role of walking in preventing back pain episodes.

From Science Daily: Reducing daily sitting may prevent back pain

A new study from the University of Turku in Finland showed that reducing daily sitting prevented back pain from worsening over six months. The result strengthens the current understanding of the link between activity and back pain as well as the mechanisms related to back pain. ...continue reading "Reduce Back Pain By Sitting Less and Moving More"

Farm  Credit: Wikipedia

People everywhere are dismayed by the sheer quantity and number of "forever chemicals" that contaminate our environment and our bodies. Unfortunately, we all have forever chemicals (PFOS, PFAS) in us (but in varying amounts). It turns out that the US government played a role in the forever chemicals found in our food, and why so many farms are now forever contaminated.

Decades ago, the US EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) started encouraging the use of biosolids or black sludge (the sludge that is left over at wastewater treatment plants) as a fertilizer on farms in the United States. That the use of this biosolid sludge could cause problems and harms has been known for decades.

The sludge contains heavy metals and PFOS and PFAS chemicals (forever chemicals because they bioaccumulate and persist in the environment). The chemicals are linked to all sorts of health harms (e.g., cancers, reproductive problems). [Note: We are exposed to forever chemicals in many products and in the environment daily.]

Well.... of course, applying this sludge across farms has now resulted in persistent contamination of both the soil and water at those farms, but also in the animals being raised on those farms. Estimates are up to a fifth of farms are contaminated. And yet the EPA still feels this practice of applying contaminated sludge is OK!!!

Very few mass media articles actually discuss the government's role in contaminating farms (and in this way our food). So the following 2 articles were a pleasant surprise - horrifying to read, but all true.

Bottom line: Eat as much organic food, or what you grew yourself, as much as possible. The biosolid sludge is not allowed on organic farms. Also, when buying top soil (dirt) or fertilizer for your garden, avoid any product that says "biosolids" in it. (e.g., Milorganite  - known to contain PFAS and PFOS) Buy organic soil and fertilizer, if you can.

Until recently, very few mass media articles actually discussed the government's role in contaminating farms (and in this way our food). So the following 2 articles are horrifying to read, but all true.

(1) Excerpts from the New York Times: Something’s Poisoning America’s Land. Farmers Fear ‘Forever’ Chemicals.

For decades, farmers across America have been encouraged by the federal government to spread municipal sewage on millions of acres of farmland as fertilizer. It was rich in nutrients, and it helped keep the sludge out of landfills.

But a growing body of research shows that this black sludge, made from the sewage that flows from homes and factories, can contain heavy concentrations of chemicals thought to increase the risk of certain types of cancer and to cause birth defects and developmental delays in children.

Known as “forever chemicals” because of their longevity, these toxic contaminants are now being detected, sometimes at high levels, on farmland across the country, including in Texas, Maine, Michigan, New York and Tennessee. In some cases the chemicals are suspected of sickening or killing livestock and are turning up in produce. Farmers are beginning to fear for their own health.

(2) Excerpts from Yahoo News: Startling investigation exposes mountains of toxic sludge threatening America's food chain: 'People are scared to death'

A fertilizer used for decades by U.S. farms contains toxic chemicals that are being blamed for halting agricultural operations, killing animals, and endangering our food supply. ...continue reading "The Government’s Role In Why Many Farms Are Contaminated With Forever Chemicals"